
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月31日 11:39   新浪教育


  第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食   8饮料

  专家说偶尔喝杯红酒对人身体有好处。Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one’s health a world of good。


  Too much tea will brown your teeth, but it’s good for your health。

  要加冰吗?Do you want some ice in your drink?


  Nothing’s as refreshing as ice cold drinks on a hot day。


  Without a coffee, I could never get up in the morning。


  I’m not letting you get behind the wheel until you’ve sobered up。

  我已经喝了两三瓶啤酒了。I have had a couple of beers。

  你想喝冰茶吗?Do you want some iced tea?

  请加一点点糖。Please add a little sugar。

  我的胃受不了冷饮。Cold drinks don’t agree with my stomach。

  越凉越好。The cooler, the better。

  又开胃又可口。It’s appetizing and tasty。


  John: Tonight is a party night! What drinks do you think we need?

  Lily: Well, not everyone wants to drink beer. Make sure there are some soft drinks and juice. Nothing’s as refreshing as ice drinks on a hot day。

  John: I don’t think we need too much in the way of soft drinks. Two super bottles of Cola should cover everyone. What about wine?

  Lily:Just buy a cask of wine. Have you bought ice yet?

  John: No, once I fill the tub with beer, I’ll get the ice. The beer will be cool if you put the tub under the ice. The cooler, the better。

  Lily: I think a bottle of champagne would be a good idea. It’s appetizing and tasty。

  John:Well, if you say so. Personally speaking, I’d rather die of thirst than drink champagne。

  第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食 9肉类

  我通常吃鸡肉、猪肉和牛肉。I usually eat chicken, pork and beef。

  我们就着酱汁吃。We eat it with sauce。

  牛排你要几分熟? How would you like your steak?

  我想要熟透的牛排。I’d like my steak well-done。

  这肉太肥了。This meat is too fatty。

  这肉太老了。This meat is too tough。


  I’ll buy some meat from the butcher’s and cook it for you。

  我是吃素的。I am a vegetarian。


  What spices are you going to add to the meat?

  羊排非常好吃。Mutton chops taste so good。

  The Meat

  Frank: What kinds of meat are most popular in your country?

  June:We usually eat chicken, pork and beef. You eat these meats a lot in your country too, don’t you?

  Frank:Yes, we do. We also eat mutton。

  Jane: I’ve heard that people in your country like mutton chops。

  Frank: That’s right. Mutton chops taste so good. We eat them with sauce. Have you ever tried?

  Jane: Yes, I have. I tried once when I visited your country last year. I think they were very tasty. Can you cook them?

  Frank: Certainly I can. I’lI buy some from the butcher’s and cook for you next Sunday。

  Jane: That sounds great. I’ll bring a bottle of wine then。

  第一章 家庭生活 第三节 家常美食  10一日三餐

  晚餐吃什么?What’s for supper?

  你早餐想吃什么?What would you like to have for breakfast?

  差不多做好了。It’s almost ready。

  你想喝咖啡、果汁还是牛奶?Would you like some coffee, juice or milk?

  早餐准备好了。Breakfast is ready。

  你要不要来些甜点?Do you care for some dessert?

  我一口也吃不下了。I couldn’t eat another bite。

  你要喝汤吗?Do you want some soup?

  我不想吃了。I don’t feel like eating anything。

  我在附近一家快餐店吃过午饭了。I’ve had my lunch in a snack bar nearby。


  I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg。


  Mom:John, come and get it; breakfast is ready。

  John:I’m still getting ready for school. I can’t find my schoolbag。

  Mom:I told you to pack it last night. What did you do with it?

  John:I did. But I used something in the bag later。

  Mom:Anyway, hurry up! Here is your carrot juice。

  John:Can I have apple juice, Mom?

  Mom:Don’t be so fussy about stuff。

  John:Oh, Mom.。。

  Mom:Do you want your fried egg sunny-side up?

  John:Yes. But I prefer oatmeal first. I’ll make it myself。

  Mom:Good. I’ll butter your toast then。

  John:I wish I could have breakfast steak today。

  Mom:I’ll make it for you tomorrow。



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