
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月31日 11:39   新浪教育


  第二章 日常生活   第二节 休闲娱乐 23读书看报

  请给我晨版的。Morning edition, please。

  这是最好的杂志。This is the best magazine。

  我喜欢读短篇小说。I really like short stories。

  比起诗歌,我更喜欢散文。I prefer essays to poems。


  I advise you to read A Dream in Red Mansions。

  我想订一份《昂秀英语》。I’d like a subscription to Onshow English。

  我想续订。I’d like to renew my subscription。


  Do you know the circulation of this newspaper?

  你对此报的评价如何?How would you comment on this paper?


  Nicholas:What are you reading, Linda?

  Linda:I’m reading a novel The Mill on the Floss, written by the famous novelist, George Eliot。

  Nicholas:What’s it about?

  Linda:It is mainly about the relationship about a brother and a sister, who live in a mill on river Floss. It describes their childhood and a dispute that causes them to separate. The book ends with them happily together again, but they were both killed in the flood。

  Nicholas:Is it difficult to understand?

  Linda:Not really, I would consider it easy。

  Nicholas:Besides novels, are there any other types of literary works that you indulge in?

  Linda:I really like short stories。

  Nicholas:Have you read anything else besides literature?

  Linda:Certainly I have. I like to read books on various subjects, and I read everything I can get my hands on in my spare time. I don’t want to idle away and waste my time。

  Nicholas:I agree. People who don’t read are no better off than people who can’t read. I also agree that “Books are like food for the mind。”

  第二章 日常生活   第二节 休闲娱乐 24在KTV

  我能看下歌曲单吗?Can I have a look at the song list?

  这个目录里有英文歌曲的部分。This catalogue has an English section。

  从点歌单里选首歌吧。Choose a song from the catalogue。

  这里的歌曲选择很多。This place has a large selection of songs。

  我喜欢这首歌。I like this song。

  这首歌有优美的旋律。This song has a pleasant melody。

  你应该听这首歌的歌词。You should pay attention to the lyrics。

  你们有英语歌曲吗?Do you want to sing an English song?

  我们唱二重唱吧。Let’s sing a duet。

  我们唱歌吧。Let’s sing together。

  有些歌曲有英文字幕。Some songs have English subtitles。

  把声调大点。Turn up the volume。

  你唱得很好。You’re a good singer。

  你的歌声很好听。你的高音的音调唱得很完美。You’ve got a beautiful voice, and you hit the high notes perfectly。

  请大点儿声。Please sing out。

  来吧,给我们唱首歌!Come on, sing a song!

  请大家一起唱。Everybody, please join in with the singing。

  用这个麦克风。Use this microphone。

  一起唱。Sing along。

  这个设备有很强的回声。This equipment has a strong echo。

  At the KTV

  Julius:You’ve got a beautiful singing voice。

  Samantha:It’s this high-tech equipment that doctors up my voice a little. Actually I’m tone-deaf。

  Julius:Come on. You hit the high notes perfectly。

  Samantha:Well, the echo and the stereo system helped a lot. And I know that song very well, so I didn’t need to pay attention to the subtitles, which helped as well。

  Julius:You’re too modest. Pass me the catalogue. I’d like to see which song to choose…  Wow, this place has a large selection of songs. I don’t know which to choose。

  Samantha:Pick the one that you always sing in the shower。

  Julius:Funny. Oh, I like this song. It’s by one of my favorite singers. 

  Samantha:Read me the index number。

  Julius:1021. It’s a duet. Come on. Pick up the mic and sing along. 

  Samantha:No, I need a rest。

  第二章 日常生活   第二节 休闲娱乐 25在舞厅


  This ballroom looks magnificent and the music is wonderful。

  我很愿意(和你跳舞)。I’d love to。


  Let’s wait this one out, while I catch my breath。

  你经常来这儿跳舞吗?Do you often come here to dance?

  你的探戈舞跳得棒极了。You performed the tango wonderfully。

  你跳得不错。You’re a good dancer。

  你的脚步很轻盈。You’re light on your feet。

  你想跳一支伦巴吗?Would you like to dance a rumba?

  我从来没学过跳舞。I’ve never learned to dance。

  去跳舞吧,我来看着包。Go dance. I’ll watch the bags。

  咱们休息一会儿吧。Let’s take a break。

  我不想再跳了。I don’t feel like dancing any more。

  At the Ballroom

  Jack:You must like to dance, right?

  Lily:I’d love to. Do you often come here to dance?

  Jack:Yes, I like the old styles of dance, such as the waltz, rumba and so on. They are quite graceful。

  Lily:You’re waltzing quite wonderfully. It’s great to dance with an experienced and talented partner。

  Jack:Thank you for saying. I think you’re light on your toes too. Oh, the music starts again. Would you like to have another dance, Miss?

  Lily:OK, that would be great. Do you like morden dance? I don’t care for it。

  Jack:Neither do I. I don’t like any kind of morden dance at all。

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