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2012年12月12日14:08  沪江英语 微博   

  2. Take initiative and do what needs to be done, before being asked。主动一点。在别人开口布置任务之前,就开始干起来。

  3. Learn the skills you’ll need to advance. Take advantage of on-the-job training, but don’t rely exclusively on that. Consider taking (and paying for) skill-enhancing courses on your own。多学一点。好好利用在职培训的机会,但不要完全依赖于此,要自己去学如何提高技能。

  4. Be loyal to your boss, your team, and your company。忠诚一点。要忠诚于对你的老板、团队和公司。

  5. Be patient and don’t expect to be promoted without demonstrating your abilities over time。耐心一点。只有在你向别人展示了你的才能之后,你才可能获得晋升。

  6. View the big picture and understand your company’s mission. Find ways to help them accomplish it。看远一点。要着眼于大局,清楚公司的目标。想方设法地帮助公司完成其目标。

  7. Save money for your company by identifying ways to boost revenues, reduce expenses, or streamline processes。节约一点。发现各种可以为公司省钱的方式,增加效益、减少支出、或者优化流程。

  8. Show respect to everyone — superiors, peers, subordinates, and especially customers。尊重一点。尊重每个人,上级、同辈、下级,尤其要尊重客户。

  9. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know。” If you don’t know something, say so; don’t try to fake it. Find the answers you need。诚实一点。不要害怕说“我不知道”,如果你不知道,不要假装知道,说出来就好。重要的是找到答案来解决问题。

  10. Take responsibility for your actions. If you’re at fault, admit it and take the blame。负责一点。对你的所作所为负责。如果是你做错了,那就承认错误,承担责任。

  职场女人枕边书第十部:提高效率 教你挤出第25个小时

提高工作效率 提高工作效率

  Let’s face it we all want more time in our life to get more done, be more, do more and have more.The thing is, we are all given the same 24 hours in a day as everyone else.So why is it then that some people are just so much more efficient at squeezing more out of every moment of every day? Well they have a few secrets up their sleeve that you should know about。面对现实吧。人人都希望能有更多的时间,做更多的事,什么都要多多益善才好。事实是,每个人都只有24小时,那为什么有的人就可以把一天里的每一分钟都挤出来去做更高效的事情呢?那是因为他们都藏着一些提高效率的小诀窍,你也来学习一下吧。

  1. Get up an hour earlier.1.早起一小时。

  2. Use Sunday evening for planning the week.2.在周日晚上为下一周定好计划。

  3. Say no. (the power of constraints). Ignore. Focus only on the thing you’re looking to achieve.3.学会说不(人的能力是有限的)。学会忽略。只把注意力关注在你想要完成的事情上。

  4. Turn off your emails on your phone.4.把手机上的邮件提示功能关了。

  5. Don’t say should, say “I will”. Think like Yoda “There is no try, there is only do or do not。”5.不要说“应该做”,而要说“我要做”。想想尤达大师的名言“世上没有尝试一说,只有做或不做。”

  6. Don’t answer the phone. Literally. If it’s important they’ll leave a message.6.不要接电话。如果真的有很紧急的事情的话,对方会给你发短信的。

  7. Plan your day according to the most important, biggest task, not the smallest and easiest.7.根据你最重要、最宏大的任务来安排你一天的计划,而不是那些最容易完成的小事情。

  8. Avoid meetings at all cost. If you have to go, have one specific outcome in mind.8.不惜一切代价避免开会。如果一定要开的话,那也必须要得出一些切实的结果才行。

  9. Know what the next step is at the end of every conversation.9.在每次谈话结束的最后,都要清楚下一步要做什么。

  10. Turn off the internet. If you’re writing or creating go to a coffee shop that has no internet.10.不要上网。如果你正在撰写文件或创作方案,那就到不能上网的咖啡馆里去完成。

  11. Set a timer to go off at 30 minute intervals to focus on one activity and take a short 1 minute break to refocus.11.把定时器设置在每30分钟休息一次,花一分钟放松一下,以便更好地专注于接下去要做的事。

  12. Take a proper break after 2 hours for 10-20 minutes and dance to your fave song, do some pushups, get out in the fresh air.12.每两个小时休息10-20分钟,跟着你喜欢的歌曲扭两下,做做俯卧撑,到室外去呼吸一下新鲜空气。

  13. Ask yourself “is what I’m doing right now getting me closer to what I want to achieve.13.扪心自问“我现在正在做的事情是不是能让我更接近自己的目标”。

  14. Know what you’re looking to achieve – what does finished look like?14.了解你一直想要实现的目标。目标实现后会是什么样子?

  15. Play motivating upbeat music while working to keep your energy levels high.15.在工作的时候,放一些能鼓舞情绪的音乐,让你能始终保持情绪高涨。

  16. Keep an idea book to dump your distractions in, and come back to them a week later.16.准备一本本子,把让你分心的事情都记录下来,每周回顾一次。

  17. Keep a journal of WHAT you have achieved.17.把你完成的任务都写下来。

  18. Work out what is important and what isn’t.18.分清事情的轻重缓急。

  19. Stop procrastinating and just DO it!19.终结拖延症。赶紧去做!

  20. Throw out the TV – literally bury it in your back garden.20.把电视机扔出去,说真的,把电视机埋在你家的后院里。


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