Melanie Typaldos and her husband Richard, from Buda, Texas, treat the eight-stone capybara named Gary like a dog, letting him sleep in their bed and taking him out for road trips in their car。来自德克萨斯的梅洛尼-托帕多和她的丈夫,像对待狗狗一样对待这只叫Gary的水豚,这只庞然大物重达8英石(约为101斤)。主人们让他睡在自己床上,带他乘自己的车进行户外旅行。
A 79-year-old German man has been living with wolves for more than 40 years。一个79岁的德国人已经和狼一起生活了超过40年。
Wolf researcher Werner Freund is the alpha male to six packs, sharing their food and showering them with kisses to win them over。狼类研究员维尔纳-弗洛因德养着6群狼,他与狼们共享食物,共同洗澡,亲吻他们来赢得芳心。
Sophia, 11, from Russia, has been living with pet Lynx Zen since her parents rescued it from an animal sanctuary in 2008.来自俄罗斯11岁的索菲亚,自从父母在2008年从动物庇护所领养宠物猞猁Zen后,就一直就和它一起生活。
After bottle feeding the wildcat she’s developed such a close bond he lets her dress him up, play games and even sleeps on her bed。因为一直用奶瓶喂养这只猞猁,他们之间建立了亲密的关系,他同意她给他打扮、玩耍甚至在她床上睡觉。
She might’ve struggled to get through the doorways, but Fenne the giraffe loved joining her adoptive parents Colin and Theony McRae inside their home。长颈鹿Fenne过门槛可能比较困难,但是她喜欢和养父母科林、佘妮-麦克雷在屋内生活。
The 10ft beauty would come running when her name was called这个高达十英尺(约为3米)的美丽生物会在她被叫到时欢腾地跑过来。
Fenne was taken in by the South African family when they found her close to death in the hot bush after she’d been abandoned by her mother.Fenne 在被母亲抛弃后,在炎热的天气里差点死在灌木丛中,后来被这个南非家庭领养。
Anna Studer, from Tell City, Indiana, is pictured with her pet lioness in her living room。来自印第安纳州特尔市的安娜-图德在起居室和她的宠物狮子一起拍照。
The huge cat is called Shahzarah – meaning queen of queens – and has the run of her home。这只大猫叫Shahzarah(意为女王中的女王)在家中可以自由出入。
Animal-mad Alan and Heather Hewitt share their home with over 80 exotic creatures。疯狂的动物爱好者艾伦和希瑟-休伊特在家里有80多只奇怪的动物。
They run a sanctuary for rescued weird pets, using their property in Morley, Leeds, as a base。他们利用自己在利兹市莫里的房产为基础,建造了一间避难所来安置救来的这些奇怪宠物。
Housemates include two monitor lizards, six bearded dragons, four boa constrictors, two pythons, two giant tortoises, a cane toad, four tarantula spiders, various rodents, an African grey parrot, two meerkats, two racoons and a skunk。这一屋子的同伴包括两只巨蜥,六只松狮蜥,四只大蟒蛇,两只蟒蛇,两只巨龟,一只海蟾,四只狼蛛,各种啮齿动物,一个非洲灰鹦鹉,两只猫鼬,两只浣熊和一个臭鼬。
Welsh man David Palmer rescued an abandoned lamb on Easter Monday, but when he tried to take it to a farm, it refused to settle down with the other sheep。威尔士人大[微博]卫-帕尔默在复活节后的星期一救了一只被抛弃的羊羔,但当他想把它带去一个农场时,它拒绝和其他绵羊住在一起。
So he took it back to his home in Rhiwbina, Cardiff, then built a bungalow in his back garden complete with windows and carpet。所以他把它带回在加的夫的家中,然后在后花园建立了一个小木屋给小羊住,屋子有窗户还有地毯。
The sheep – named Nick Boing after its bouncy personality – used to watch TV from the sofa with coach driver David and was taken for walks around the local park。这只快活的小羊叫Nick Boing,喜欢跟当驾校教练的主人大卫去当地公园散步,然后窝在沙发上一起看电视。
Not many people would want to live with a llama but Nicole Doepper from western Germany is happy with her woolly companion。没有多少人愿意和美洲驼一起生活,但是来自德国西部的尼克-多珀很喜欢和她的长毛同伴生活在一起。
Attempts to get the injured animal to live an outdoor life failed so now Socke the llama is allowed to follow her wherever she goes。在试图让这个受伤的动物去户外生活失败后,现在美洲驼Socke 可以跟着她到处走了。
Kelly was so obsessed with her pet squirrel she spent a fortune turning it into a MODEL。凯莉特别喜欢她的宠物松鼠,所以她花了不少钱,把它打造成一位模特。
The Florida native has over 4,000 wacky outfits for Sugar Bush and even has a website dedicated to photo shoots she’s done。这位来自佛罗里达的宠物爱好者给她的松鼠Sugar Bush 做了超过4000件奇装异服,甚至建了一个网站专门发她拍的照片。
Tonie Joubert, from South Africa, rescued Jessica the hippo when she was a 35lb calf. She now weighs 110stone and was allowed to kip in his bed – before she broke it。来自南非的托尼-州波特在河马Jessica 只有35磅(约为31斤)的时候救了她。她现在重110英石(约为1409斤),之前Jessica 是可以睡床的,但后来她把床给睡塌掉了。
Ex-game warden Tonie found the dying animal after she was washed up by a flood onto his riverside home。前游戏管理员托尼发现了这只奄奄一息的河马,当时她被洪水冲到他河边的家里。