巴西世界杯半决赛,阿根廷对阵荷兰是通过点球大战(penalty shootout)决出胜负的。足球比赛中,如果有队员犯规,裁判会根据具体情况对其进行口头警告或作出任意球或出示黄牌、红牌等不同级别的判罚,这些判罚统称为penalty。今天,我们就来说说球场上跟penalty有关的表达。
Penalty area 禁区(罚球区)
The big rectangular area at the end of each field where a goalkeeper can handle the ball legally, it measures 18 by 44 yards; also called the penalty box, 18-yard box, or box。
球场两端的大长方形区域,是守门员控球的区域,大小为18*44码,也叫做penalty box,18-yard box或box。
Penalty kick 点球
A kick awarded to a team if any of its players is fouled inside the opposing team’s penalty area。
Penalty shootouts 点球大战
A method of deciding a winner in a football match if the scores are still even after overtime; each member of both teams take turns at attempting to score a penalty shot。
Penalty spot 罚球点
The bold circle in front of the goal where the ball is placed during penalty kicks: it is 12 yards from the goal line。
Penalty arc 罚球弧
The half-circle at the top of the penalty area, and marks out the 10-yard distance players must maintain from penalty spot when a penalty kick is being taken。
Penalty taker 罚点球者
The player assigned to take the penalty kick; this task is often relegated to the captain。
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