Oxford’s lexicographers keep watch over billions of words every month—from literary novels to academic journals to blogs—and at the end of the year they put their brainy heads together to select a single word that best embodies thezeitgeist. Out of this year’s haze of nominees and debate emerged four little letters。
Oxford’s word of the year for 2014 is vape。
Vape, a verb meaning to inhale and exhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device, beat out everything from bae to normcore。It was coined in the late 1980s when companies like RJR Nabisco wereexperimenting with the first “smokeless” cigarettes. But, after years of languishing, the word is back, needed to distinguish a growing new habit fromold-fashioned smoking. According to Oxford’s calculations, usage of vape,which as a noun can refer to an e-cigarette or similar device, more thandoubled between 2013 and 2014.
“It’s hard to anticipate what’s going to capture the public imagination at any given moment,” Casper Grathwohl, president of Oxford’sdictionaries division, tells TIME. “Vape only really caughton a few years ago and now we’ve seen a dramatic rise。”
But, he notes, Oxford doesn’t choose a word of the year simply based on howmuch ink has been spilt writing it. “A word is just the surface of somethingthat often has a really complex and rich life underneath,” he says。
On the surface, vape’s selection captures the exploding popularityof e-cigarettes—which, effectively invented in 2003, are suddenly close to a $2 billion market. It also memorializes this year’s historic opening of legal marijuana shops, where residents in Colorado and Washington state can buy vape pens (devices that vaporize liquids containing nicotine or cannabisinto forms users can inhale) for about $60.
Deeper, Grathwohl says, the word has ties to our preoccupations with freedomand health and legislation. “Vape has been a lightning rod for a lot of discussion about the positions we want to take as a society,” he says.How great of a health problem are (e-)cigarettes and what place do they have in our culture? What should be kept out of public spaces? What should be regulatedby the government? The word vape could find itself in answers to allthose questions。
Oxford’s 2014 selection was on another level a balancing act, countering the cuteness of their word of the year in 2013: selfie. Though last year’s selection went viral—and proclaiming words of the year is partly an exercise in getting free publicity—Grathwohl says they felt the selection needed to be a little more serious this year. That is, perhaps, why some of these words madetheir short list but did not rise to the top:
bae (n., slang): a term of endearment for one’s romanticpartner, likely a shortening of baby or babe, though sometheorize that it is an acronym for “before anyone else。” The word can also beused as an adjective to describe something good or cool。
bae(名词,俚语):类似baby或者babe,一种肉麻的呼唤爱人的方法,但有些观点声称bae是“before anyone else”(排在所有人之前)的缩写。Bae可以用作形容词,表事物很棒。
budtender (n.): someone who works at a medical marijuanadispensary or retail marijuana shop。
budtender (名词):大麻药店或者大麻商店的柜员
contactless (adj.): describingtechnologies that allow a smart card, etc., to connect wirelessly to anelectronic reader, typically in order to make a payment。
contactless (形容词): 一种智能卡或者智能手机等设备使用的技术,通过该技术可以在电子读卡器上进行无线读取,一般多用于支付。
indyref (n., slang):an abbreviated form of Scotland’s failedreferendum to declare independence from the United Kingdom。
indyref (名词,俚语):independence referendum的缩合词,指2014年9月18日举行的苏格兰独立公投。
normcore (n.): a fashion movement inwhich ordinary, unfashionable clothing is worn as a deliberate statement。
normcore (名词):把寻常的不时尚的服装刻意当成时装来穿,是一种比较低调的穿衣风格。
slacktivist (n.): one who engages indigital activism on the Web which is regarded as requiring little time orinvolvement. Also slacktivism。
slacktivist (名词): 懒人行动者。通过网络对某些政治或社会事业表示支持,但是参与者不想投入时间也不想参与其中,比如只是签署在线请愿书,转发就是顶,点赞就是支持。也叫做懒人行动主义。
Oxford’s selection is the first of many big ones to come before 2014’sword-anointing season ends in early January。
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