James Watson, known to many as one of the "fathers of DNA" for hisscientific discoveries, is putting his Nobel prize on the auction block thisThursday with a reserve price of $2.5 million. Why part with the prestigiousaward now, over 50 years after winning it? After all, no living recipient ofthe award has ever sold it before。
In short, Watson said some racist things back in 2007, and the publicationof those comments had an impact on his income. Watson is selling his award inthe hopes it will bolster the income he receives from his academicappointments – and perhaps finance thepurchase of some new artwork。
But the 86-year-old Watson, who told the Financial Times that he'd become an"unperson" after his 2007 remarks (more on those in a second), isn'tgetting much sympathy: Instead, the widely publicized sale is drawing attentionto the very comments that got him ostracized from academia in the first place。
Watson is indeed a great scientist, and the world has much to thank him for.Along with Francis Crick, Watson revealed the structure of DNA – the double helix that forms the very nature ofour being – in 1953. But greatscientists are not always great people. In a 2007 interview with the SundayTimes, Watson expressed the belief that some races are inherently lessintelligent than others。
He was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa," he said, because"all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence isthe same as ours – whereas all thetesting says not really." He added that while he hoped everyone was trulyequal, "people who have to deal with black employees find this nottrue."