扮靓手册 视频聊天时如何看起来美美哒(双语)

2014年12月12日10:01  爱语吧     收藏本文     

  Video chatting is so commonplace these days that even dogs know how to do it. But with the rise of live conferencing and Skype interviews, there is also a need to look halfway decent on a webcam, which is no easy feat.


  To help guide you, Yahoo Tech has consulted YouTube makeup artist Michelle Phan, who rose to Internet superstardom by filming beauty tutorials on her laptop. These tips from her will keep you looking your best onscreen. Get ready for your closeup:

  为了帮助你,雅虎科技咨询了YouTube的化妆师Michelle Phan。她因拍摄化妆教程在网络上走红。她的这些小窍门会让你呈现最佳状态,赶紧准备好特写镜头吧!

  1. Lighting matters. Wherever you are — the corner of a coffee shop, a library, your apartment — it’s important to find the best source of light possible. The last thing you want to do, however, is sit directly under a giant fluorescent lamp. That creates shadows under your eyes that can make you look tired or, god forbid, older. As Phan tells Yahoo Tech: “You don’t want it directly on you; rather, keep your light source diffused. Instead of opening a window, you should have a sheer curtain in front of the window to diffuse the light.”


  2. Angling can be your best friend or worst enemy. Our default position for most smartphones is to hold them below our faces at all times, as if we were checking email or playing Candy Crush. And even compact laptops tend be positioned below our faces. But that angling can indirectly make you look like you have a double chin. Or even worse, show off the insides of your nostrils.


  Phan recommends that you “keep the laptop or device directly in front of you at eye level. Also, don’t position the camera too close, but make sure it is far enough away to reduce the fisheye lens effect。” If you want to get serious about it, skip the webcam altogether and connect a separate camera to your laptop, propped up by a tripod or stand.


  3. Make eye contact. Avoiding an unflattering angle also requires you to focus your eyes into the camera. It’s almost human nature for your gaze to wander to that small box with your face in it at the bottom of your screen. Avoid the temptation: Not only is it somewhat rude for the person on the other end, but staring downward can increase the prominence of shadows in your face and make it harder to see your eyes. If it’s an option within your video chat, try to hide that box with your face in it on the screen altogether.


  4. Dress the part. Though video chats include only the upper third of your body, it’s still important to be conscious of what you’re wearing. As a general rule, bold patterns are to be avoided, as they can detract attention away from your face.


  But that doesn’t mean you need to go completely neutral. “Keep your clothes bright to help reduce shadows on your face,” Phan said. “Try and wear solid colors, and avoid distracting patterns. You want people to look at your face and not what you’re wearing. Keep it simple and classy.”

  但是,这并不是说你不能穿彩色。 色彩明亮的衣服可以帮助减少脸上的阴影。尝试穿纯色,避免喧宾夺主。你是想让人看你的脸,而不是你穿的衣服。保持简单和优雅。

  5. Brighten your face. Though guys might be hesitant to touch up before a video chat, the same basic rules apply to both men and women. “Both want to brighten the face,” Phan said. “Highlight the center, and keep hair out of your face。” When it comes to video interviews, a little MAC powder can go a long way toward smoothing out a complexion. And when it comes to the ladies? “They should avoid heavy and dark makeup and use a bright pop of color on the lips to brighten and draw more attention to the face.”

  提亮面部。虽然人们不想在视频聊天之前化妆,但同样的基本规则适用于男性和女性。“他们都想提亮脸部,”Phan说。 “突出脸的中央,不要让头发遮脸。”视频面试的时候,一点点MAC修容粉就会大大改善肤色。女性应该避免大浓妆和亮色的唇彩,使对方把更多的关注力放在脸上。

  6. Audio helps. Though it has nothing to do with how you look, garbled or fuzzy audio is annoying and makes it hard for people to want to listen to what you have to say. The headset from your phone is usually better than most, if not all, laptop mics. And if you want to go wild with it, you could even buy a microphone that attaches to your laptop via USB.


  You might be thinking, “This is nice, but what if I have just 10 minutes to get ready?” Phan, however, has some solid advice for anyone in a time crunch. “Take a bunch of computer paper and lay it in front of you between you and the laptop,” she says. “The white paper will fill in any shadows. Then stack a few books to help the camera meet you at eye level。” And there you have it, a mini studio.



文章关键词: 双语视频聊天

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