It may be a la mode to create lighter versions of our favourite snacks but one company has taken the trend rather literally。创意美食,点“亮”生活。不过,一家公司当真做到了把那些最受人们欢迎的副食“点亮”了。
The world's first glow in the dark ice cream was handed out to a cinema audience who were surprised to find their snacks glowed a fluorescent yellow when the lights went out。一群电影院的观众得到了世界上第一款在黑暗中发光的冰淇淋,他们惊讶的发现,当影厅灯熄灭之后,他们手中的美食闪着荧黄色的光芒。
The futuristic frozen treat has been developed for Wall's Ice Cream by food designers Bompas and Parr。这款前卫的冷饮是食物设计师邦帕和帕尔在和路雪的“可爱多”的基础上设计而成的。
The sci-fi style snack appears to be nothing more than a normal mint Cornetto however once under UV lighting the sweet treat lights up in luminous colours。乍看之下,这种科幻风格的小吃似乎仅仅是一直普通的薄荷口味可爱多甜筒,但是,在紫外光的照耀下,这支甜点会发出亮闪闪的光芒。
According to Wall's this is a world first and means that cinema goers can avoid a sticky spillages as they are able to see what they're eating even in the dark. 和路雪公司称,这是世界上第一款发光的冰淇淋,如此一来,看电影的人即使是在黑暗中也能看清自己吃的是什么,就能避免冰淇淋溢出来黏黏糊糊的粘在身上了。
In order to create the gleaming gelato the ice cream is mixed with riboflavin which gives out a glow when under certain UV lights。为了制造出发光的冰淇淋,研究者在冰淇淋里加了核黄素,这种核黄素能在特定的紫外光照射下发光。
Despite the fact that mobile phones are banned in cinema theatres as the light they give out provides a distraction,Bompas and Parr insist that the ice creams won't create the same problem. 虽然影院禁止观众使用手机,以免造成干扰,但邦帕和帕尔坚称这款冰淇淋不会制造同样的麻烦。
The team at Bompas have since been developing further glow in the dark desserts using luciferin enzymes from genetically modified bacteria。邦帕的研究团队一直在研究通过转基因细菌提炼的萤光素酶制作在黑暗中发光的甜点的方法。
'This is something quite special,' Bompas told Dezeen magazine 'Using the same enzyme that fireflies and jellyfish use to fluoresce - that we use to make a fancy sauce for the dessert.'邦帕在接受设计杂志时说:“用和萤火虫和水母发光所用的生物酶同类的物质来制作一种特殊的调料,加在甜点里,这确实饶有意趣。”
Although a fluorescent pudd may seem anything other than natural the team insist that it is a completely wholesome process...sort of, saying: 'It's totally organic and natural, if you're okay with genetically modified organisms.'如果布丁会发光,似乎确不太自然,可是研究团队坚称,这种食品加工程序是全然无害的,他们说:“研制出来的发光食物完全是有机天然的,如果你不介意一点转基因的有机物的话。”
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