护照遭“熊孩子”涂鸦 男子被困韩国(双语)

2015年03月27日11:47  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  In any other circumstances this charming childish doodle would have been stuck to the fridge by a proud parent。如果事情发生在其他情况下,这个可爱幼稚的涂鸦可能会被父母自豪地贴在冰箱上。

护照遭“熊孩子”涂鸦 男子被困韩国(双语)护照遭“熊孩子”涂鸦 男子被困韩国(双语)

  Unfortunately, however, this four-year-old artist decided to test his budding talents on his father's passport while on a family trip to South Korea。然而不幸的是,这个四岁的小艺术家选择在他们一家去韩国旅游的时候,在他爸爸的护照上小试牛刀。

  The Chinese national is now stuck in the country after border officials failed to be impressed by his young son's creative addition of people, animals, and a beard - all daubed in black felt tip - to the passport。这个中国家庭如今滞留在韩国,因为儿子用黑色水笔在护照上画满了各种人、动物还有胡须的涂鸦,海关官员无法辨认护照上的照片。

  It is understood that the problem arose when the man tried to board his plane back to China with the rest of his party。不用说,当爸爸带着一家准备登机回国的时候,麻烦来了。

  Thanks to his unrecognisable documentation, he was not allowed to pass through security and make it to his flight。由于他的护照难以辨认,他无法通过安检登机。

  Authorities have now told the father - known only as Chen - that it is likely he won’t be able to travel home with his son, and the rest of his family。目前只知道这位父亲姓陈。官方已经告诉了这位父亲,恐怕他不能带着儿子和其他家人回国了。

  The picture was originally posted on social networking site Weibo by the man, alongside a plea for help as to how he would be able to get home, Shanghaiist reports。据《上海人》报道,这张图片起初被父亲发在社交网站微博上,并向网友求助如何才能回家。

  The drawing appears to include a cat, flowers and a few people like characters. The young artist has also drawn a beard and added some additional hair, sprouting from his father's face。涂鸦中似乎有一只猫,几朵花,和一些人。这个小艺术家还在他爸爸的脸上画了胡须和更多的头发。(来源:沪江英语)

文章关键词: 护照遭涂鸦涂鸦熊孩子韩国

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