With their sweet, squishy faces and lazy movements, sloths are one of the most squee-worthy animals on the Internet. Sadly, these sluggish tree-dwellers are also increasingly threatened in their native forests of Central and South America.
Inspired by their cuteness and a desire to make a difference, wildlife conservationist and photographer Sam Trull has dedicated her career to saving these charismatic animals.
Trull was first introduced to the wonderful world of sloths in 2013 after arriving in Costa Rica to work for a small wildlife rehabilitation clinic called Kids Saving the Rainforest. It wasn't long before she realized that working with orphaned sloths was her true calling.
特鲁尔在2013年到哥斯达黎加的一个小型野生动物复原诊所工作,该复原诊所被称为“Kids Saving the Rainforest”。在那之后,她首次见识了树懒的奇妙世界。没过多久她就意识到:与无人照管的树懒在一起工作是她真正的使命。
In August 2014, she founded The Sloth Institute Costa Rica with fellow sloth enthusiast Seda Sejud, and the pair have been rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing baby sloths ever since.
2014年8月,她同树懒爱好者朋友Seda Sejud一起成立了“哥斯达黎加树懒研究所”,他们两人自那以后就一直拯救、使他们康复、并且放生树懒宝宝。

In her new photo book "Slothlove," we get an intimate look at what it's like to spend every day hanging out with such fascinating creatures.



suave sloth!