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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/10 15:39  恩波考研

  1999 Translation

  26. While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians,modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.

  【译文】 几乎每个历史学家对史学都有自己的界定,但现代史学家的实践最趋向于认为历史学是试图重现过去的重大史实并对其做出解释。

  【析句】 这是一个复合句,主句是modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past,从句是While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians。在While引导的状语从句中,又含有一个由as… as引导的从句,表示一种比较关系。

  【讲词】 recreate意为“再创造;再现”。Is it possible to recreate the situation which surfaced three years ago?(是否有可能再现三年前的情形?)recreate还可以表示“(使)得到休养,(使)得到娱乐”。

  27. Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.

  【译文】 人们之所以关注历史研究的方法论,主要是因为史学界内部意见不一,其次是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学问。

  【析句】 本句是简单句。句子的主干为Interest… has arisen。此句较难之处一是对术语的理解和翻译,二是对句子结构的理解,特别是对less… more…的理解。

  【讲词】 historical methods在句中不是“历史的方法”,而是“历史研究的方法”。external challenge意为“外界的挑战”或“外部的挑战”,即“外界的意见”。the validity of history as an intellectual discipline是指“历史学能否成为一门学科”。internal quarrel意为“内部的争论”。

  28. During this transfer,traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.

  【译文】 在这种转变中,历史学家研究历史时,那些解释新史料的新方法充实了传统的历史研究方法。

  【析句】 本句是简单句。句子的主干为traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies。designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰前面的methodologies。

  【讲词】 augment意为“加强,充实”。The plan was augmented by further funding from the company.(公司进一步的注资加强了这一计划。)

  new forms of evidence意为new forms of historical evidence,因此应该译为“新的史料”或“新的史证”。

  29. There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.

  【译文】 所谓方法论是指一般的历史研究中的特有概念,还是指历史探究中各个具体领域适用的研究手段,人们对此意见不一。

  【析句】 本句的主干为There is no agreement,whether… or…引导的从句是agreement 的同位语。在同位语中,主语是methodology,谓语是refers to,宾语是the concepts和the research techniques,peculiar to historical work和appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry是形容词短语作后置定语,分别修饰两个宾语。

  【讲词】 peculiar(特别的,独特的)和appropriate(恰当的,适当的)在英语中作后置定语是非常普遍的。

  His lectures will cover some of the topics peculiar to computer science.(他的课会涉及计算机科学特有的一些话题。)We can observe a structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or a group.(我们可以观察到个性和群体所特有的一种结构性或行为性的特征。)

  The doctor will take action appropriate to the situation.(医生将根据情况采取恰当的措施。)

  30.It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources,and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.

  【译文】 这种谬误同样存在于历史传统派和历史社科派;前者认为历史就是史学界内部和外部人士对各种史料来源的评论,后者认为历史的研究是具体方法的研究。

  【析句】 本句的主干为It applies equally to traditional historians… and to social science historians,即谓语动词(applies to)带有两个并列的宾语(traditional historians和social science historians),而两个宾语中又分别跟了一个由who 引导的限制性定语从句。需要注意的是句中activity是指“历史社科派的活动”,即他们的历史研究。

  【讲词】 equate意为“使相等;等同”。You can't equate his poems with his plays.(你不能把他的诗跟剧本相提并论。)Nowadays,many people equate passing examinations with being educated.(当今很多人把考试及格与受过教育等同起来。)




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