

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 13:30   新课标


  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21 ~ 40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

  Last September, a terrible typhoon struck our neighborhood. Roofs were 21 . Trees were being uprooted. Outside our front window I 22 see a nearby tree. It had served as the neighborhood’s Christmas tree for ten years. Children expected its 23 every December. “Just bend; don’t break!” I made a wish.

  The 24 gathered in force. Rain was falling 25 , and water was pouring into the house around the edges of the closed windows. I heard people shouting, “The river is 26 on us!” I rushed out and found that the 27 , which crossed the river and was the only way to 28 ground, was already under water!

  We all 29 at a neighbor’s house and tried to think of a way out. 30 it was too late. Soon, we found ourselves 31 on the roof, holding together 32 the wind, trembling with cold and fear. As we looked around, the 33 near our house could no longer be seen. Despair (绝望) surrounded us.

  Luckily, a group of soldiers 34 . With their help, ten hours later, at 2:00 a.m., everyone was finally 35 the roof. We were saved!

  The rain stopped during the night. At dawn, with the water gone, we found our 36 a wasteland covered with sand and mud. As we made our way to what was left of our home, we found the tree 37 there, bent but not broken! Our symbol of 38 had been spared by nature.

  Life may not become 39 so soon, but our neighborhood has tried its best. 40 , in December, the Christmas tree will light up again.

  21. A. followingB. flyingC. settlingD. leaving

  22. A. shouldB. wouldC. couldD. might

  23. A. arrivingB. growingC. standingD. lighting

  24. A. energyB. coldnessC. stormD. darkness

  25. A. peacefullyB. slowlyC. noisilyD. heavily

  26. A. coming downB. taking offC. running awayD. going over

  27. A. houseB. bridgeC. roadD. hill

  28. A. richerB. cleanerC. higherD. narrower

  29. A. gatheredB. shoutedC. workedD. swam

  30. A. SoB. ForC. AndD. But

  31. A. liftedB. removedC. stuck D. protected

  32. A. withB. byC. underD. against

  33. A. floodB. treeC. windowD. roof

  34. A. looked outB. got upC. turned upD. set out

  35. A. off B. onC. aroundD. below

  36. A. groundB. riverC. natureD. neighborhood

  37. A. alreadyB. stillC. evenD. also

  38. A. health B. respectC. hopeD. honor

  39. A. specialB. normalC. excellentD. fortunate

  40. A. HopefullyB. ParticularlyC. PerfectlyD. Generally

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