

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 13:30   新课标


  Americans are walking much less than they used to. The number of trips people take on foot has dropped by 42 percent in the last 20 years, according to the Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey. Walking has dropped from 9.3 percent of all trips to just 5.4 percent. Yet more than one quarter of all trips are still one mile or less, and at least 123 million car trips made each day in the United States are short enough to be made on foot.

  Much of the drop in walking is due to the present community design. It is not safe or convenient to travel on foot. Residential (住宅的) areas with wide streets but no sidewalks have been built with high-speed car travel in mind. The nearest store, school, or workplace is often far away, beyond a quarter to half a mile, a distance most convenient for foot travel. Workplaces often lie in office parks that can be reached only by car.

  Studies show that communities that mix housing, workplaces, and shopping are places where people take more trips on foot. But such “traditional” neighborhoods are often in the older part of town. One recent study of Seattle neighborhoods found that the newer the development, the less likely it is that residents will walk or bicycle.

  The influence of community design on the decision of whether or not to walk is made clear by looking at the number of children who walk to school. New schools may be placed on the edge of communities, and wide, busy main streets prevent children from biking or walking to school. Many communities experience traffic jams around schools as parents deliver children to the door. Women with school-aged children now make more car trips each day than any other population group, and on average spend more than an hour a day in the car.

  56. According to the Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey, ______.

  A. 9.3 percent of all trips in the U.S. are unnecessary

  B. 42 percent of Americans prefer walking to driving

  C. Americans travel much less now than 20 years ago

  D. walking in the U.S. has dropped to 5.4 percent of all trips

  57. What is often considered when a new community is designed now?

  A. Stores selling all kinds of goods.B. Wide streets for high-speed car travel.

  C. Sidewalks in the residential area.D. Car parks near the office buildings.

  58. The study of Seattle neighborhoods shows that the newly developed communities ______.

  A. enable people to take more trips on foot

  B. prevent people from walking or biking

  C. have changed people’s traditional view on traveling

  D. have improved the transportation in the old part of town

  59. The present community design has an effect on ______.

  A. the number of cars parked in the school

  B. the number of workplaces in office parks

  C. the number of children walking to school

  D. the number of school-aged children in a family

  60. What does the writer think of the present community design?

  A. It is satisfying.B. It needs further study.

  C. It is up to date.D. It needs improvement.

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