

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 13:30   新课标




  It was a spring day for end-of-the-year conferences. Mrs. Lake reminded everyone that both parents and students should take part in these important progress reports, 20 minutes for each family.

  Lauri’s name was at the end of the list. But it didn’t matter much to her. Despite the many phone calls her teacher had made, Lauri knew her parents would not be coming. Her father always got drunk, and her mother could do nothing but cry and quarrel with him.

  Now Lauri watched all day long as each child went to the door leading into Mrs. Lake’s office, where parents would greet their sons and daughters with proud smiles. Lauri imagined how it might feel to have her parents greet her at the door.

  When at last everyone else’s name had been called, Mrs. Lake opened the door and signed for Lauri to come in. Silently Lauri went in and sat down on a chair. As she felt rather uneasy that her parents had not come, she looked down. Mrs. Lake had Lauri raise her face so she could see her in the eye. “First of all,” the teacher began, “I want you to know how much I love you.” Lauri saw things she’d never seen: kindness.

  “Second,” the teacher continued, “you need to know it is not your fault that your parents are not here today.” Again Lauri looked into Mrs. Lake’s face. No one had ever talked to her like this. No one.

  “Third,” she went on, “you deserve to hear how well you are doing and how wonderful I think you are.” In the following minutes, Mrs. Lake held a conference just for Lauri. She showed Lauri her grades, papers and projects, praising her efforts. She had even saved a pile of watercolors Lauri had painted.

  Lauri didn’t know exactly when, but at some point in that conference she heard the voice of hope in her heart. And somewhere a change started. It was then that Lauri realized, for the first time in her life, that she was lovable.

  41. Why were parents required to come to the conferences?

  A. To see how important it was to encourage their children.

  B. To learn how their children had performed in their studies.

  C. To report to the teacher how their children were doing at home.

  D. To see how their children were getting along with their classmates.

  42. How did Lauri feel at the end of the conference?

  A. Encouraged.B. Ashamed.C. Challenged.D. Disappointed.

  43. We learn from the text that Mrs. Lake ______.

  A. disliked Lauri’s parents

  B. filled Lauri with hope and self-respect

  C. was worried about her poor performance

  D. was dissatisfied with the end-of-the-year conferences

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