蓝湾未来领导力学校(Future Leadership Academy at Blue Bay,FLA)是一所涵盖3-18岁全学段的全日制非营利学校。 2018年1月8日,新浪教育“国际教育大咖说”特别邀请到了蓝湾未来领导力学校的中方校长石国鹏先生和外方校长 Robin Lewis博士做客新浪。两位校长向我们介绍了蓝湾未来领导力学校的办学特色,并对家长和学生们关心的国际教育理念、师资等问题进行了回答。
外方校长 Robin Lewis博士曾担任哥伦比亚大学国际公共事务学院的执行院长,作为一位世界名校院长,他有着丰富的办学经验和先进的教育理念,并且为世界各国的政府和国际组织培养出许多优秀的领导人才。那他为何决定来中国创立蓝湾未来领导力学校呢?
Robin Lewis博士表示教育全球化为各国学生提供了很好的学习交流的机会,中国在各方面也正在步入世界领先地位,而且对外国学生来说,在未来从事与中国相关的事业将会很重要。同时,中国人尊重学习、教育和教师的品质也吸引了他。

Robin Lewis博士虽然有着丰富的大学教育的经验,但涉足K12教育却是头一次,他开玩笑说:“我没当过K12学校校长,很多年前当我还是大学生时,我倒是教过小学三年级的学生,所以还是有一定经验的。”
为什么要转入K12教育?Robin Lewis博士很郑重地表达了自己的观点:大学教育很重要,但要想引领未来,必须在更早的年纪就进行相关教育。他认为孩子们应该尽早学习不同的语言,了解不同的文化,同时在全球化的环境中理解本国的文化,这一过程,需要贯穿幼儿园到高中,这样当他们读大学时,将会拥有更多的资源和能力,如果仅仅是把重心和资源放在大学教育上,那么早期的教育和高等教育之间将存在巨大的鸿沟。
中外校长珠联璧合 整合全球化教育资源
作为蓝湾未来领导力学校的校长之一,石国鹏先生有着丰富的中学教育经验,并希望将自己的教育理念延伸到初中、小学甚至是幼儿园。他认为孩子从3岁到18岁要打下完整而良好的教育基础,为接受更高等的教育做准备,成为世界顶尖大学所需要的人才。这种对基础教育与高等教育之间的衔接的看法与Robin Lewis博士不谋而合,两人可谓一见如故。

Robin Lewis博士在哥伦比亚的学生们来自世界各地,他曾带领他们进入企业、政府机构和民间机构实习,这样可以持续地让学生与世界交流,而不是把自己关在教室内听讲,让他们能更积极主动地自我教育,整合所学的知识与技能。

此外,蓝湾未来领导力学校将会在今年9月正式开学,学校官网(http://www.flacademy.cn/ )和官方微信公众号“蓝湾未来领导力学校”开通后,受到了全国各地家长的关注。2月5日和18日,学校会在海南举办信息发布会,两位校长及课程专家们将会为家长揭示这所学校核心课程的奥妙之处。

主持人:接下来是Dr.Robin Lewis,他是外方校长。
Dr.Robin Lewis:大家好
主持人:Robin Lewis博士,我知道您曾在1985到2007年担任哥伦比亚大学国际公共事务学院的执行院长并且为世界各国的政府和国际组织培养出许多优秀的领导人才。所以我想请问您为何决定来中国创立蓝湾未来领导力学校呢?
Dr.Robin Lewis:原因很多,首先是因为全球化,教育也受全球化影响,中国也从中受益并且也做出了自己的贡献。因此我们学校不仅会给中国学生提供教育机会也会让外国学生来参观学习,更好地了解中国文化和中国的学习方式,并从中受益。
Dr.Robin Lewis:大学教育是非常重要的,在美国我们有非常成熟的高等教育系统,学生有多样化的选择,他们有机会进入各种不同的大学或学校。在中国,高等教育也变得国际化,美国大学有很多国际学生,其中中国学生最多。我也曾多次参与中美以及其他国家的学生交换,这样的思想交流、人才和教师交换非常重要,因为全球化的发展意味着你不能把自己和世界其他国家隔离开。
Dr.Robin Lewis:我没当过K12学校校长,很多年前当我还是大学生时,我倒是教过小学三年级的学生,所以还是有一定经验的。
Dr.Robin Lewis:我希望通过和石校长,还有蓝湾未来领导力学校卓越的管理团队的合作,成为一个优秀的校长。我曾参与过几乎所有学段的中国学生的管理工作,也在中国的学校和大学发表过讲话,并且我的家人和朋友也都在中国,因此我希望把我个人全球化的资源带到中国。我也会继续学习,不会停止,因为学习是贯穿一生的过程,我们都该参与其中。我会通过这样的方式努力做一个优秀的校长。
Dr.Robin Lewis:当我第一次了解到蓝湾未来领导力学校的设计初衷,见到石校长,与他和他的团队详谈时,我发现我们的教育理念在很大程度上都有相似之处。我们都认为教育应当是互动的,通过采用不同的新的教学方法让学生积极参与其中,进行项目式学习。 因此很快就喜欢上了蓝湾未来领导力学校。
Dr.Robin Lewis:我能为这所学校带来全球化的资源,不仅仅是课堂上的,也包括课堂以外的教育资源。我在哥伦比亚的学生们来自世界各地,我曾带领他们进入企业、政府机构和民间机构实习。我们在蓝湾未来领导力学校里也会这样做,不仅仅局限在中国,而是全世界范围内,因为学生可以在多样的环境中学习,这可以帮助学生强化他们在课堂上所学的知识。同时,可以持续地让学生与世界交流,而不是把自己关在教室内听讲,也让他们能更积极主动地自我教育,整合所学的知识与技能。
主持人:我想问一下石校长,您为什么会选一位美国顶级大学的教授和院长来担任外方校长?您觉得Robin Lewis博士会为学校带来什么呢?
石国鹏:好的,我一直从事中学教育。在我参与小升初和初升高的录取工作的时候,我常常有一个奢望,就是希望我能把我对于教育的理解延伸到初中、小学甚至幼儿园去。同样的道理,我们的学生从3岁到18岁,在蓝湾未来领导力学校里受的是完整的基础教育,而他们毕业以后要到世界范围内的顶级大学或者学院里面去接受高等教育。对于这些学生来讲,我们这个阶段就是他们的基础教育或者正规教育开始的时候,而大学一直到博士阶段可能是他们正规教育的结束的时候。我们向大学输送人才,需要来自大学的资深教授和行政管理专家,来给我们一些理念上的指导,来分享什么才是世界上最顶级的大学所最需要的学生。从这个角度来看,在选聘外方校长的时候,我们特别注重能够选一位德才兼备而且经验丰富的顶级大学的教育家。很幸运,我们认识了Dr. Robin Lewis,我们在交谈的过程当中可以说是一见如故、相谈甚欢,彼此之间对教育的认识,对中等教育或者基础教育与高等教育之间的衔接,都有着近乎于完全相同的看法。所以,我们特别开心能够请到Dr. Robin Lewis加入到我们的管理团队。
Dr.Robin Lewis:一方面,我会主要代表学校处理国际事务,特别是和大学招生录取相关的事务。但同时,我也会走进课堂,作为教师给学生上课,因为如果你不给学生上课的话,就不是一个真正的教育者。
Dr.Robin Lewis:这个问题很重要,问得很好。在我看来,当我回想起自己过往接受的教育时,我能回想起来的是那些鼓舞人心的老师们,他们教会我很多其他人无法教会我的事情,我的朋友也都认同我的看法。
Dr.Robin Lewis:我们想要那种希望通过改变自己来改变世界的学生。早期想要发现学生的天赋是比较困难的,但幸运的是我们有一支富有经验的教师团队能帮助学生找到自己的天赋。所以我们希望招收那些想要在未来有所作为,认同并且想要加入蓝湾未来领导力学校的学生们。作为一个学习型社区,我们希望学生家长也能够参与到学习活动当中,我们所提供的丰富的学习资源不仅惠及学生,同时也将惠及校外的社区。
Dr.Robin Lewis:当然,我们会努力认真地让蓝湾未来领导力学校逐渐发展成一所优秀的学校。中国是一个非常大的国家,和世界上许多地方一样,中国有很多学生需要更优质的教育资源。当今在中国也有很多正在进行的教育项目,未来5年里企业会创办更多学校。但我们不一样,我们想在蓝湾创造一个独特的世界级学校,培养出一小批但是非常优秀的世界级人才,他们将对世界作出重要贡献。
Dr.Robin Lewis:不仅仅是一种教育体系,我们的课程包含许多种不同的教育方式。比如我们有独特的数学教育方式和“双母语”教学模式,帮助学生在更小的年纪专注于中文和英文的同步学习。
主持人:Dr. Robin Lewis, I knew you had been the associate dean of school of international public affairs at Columbia university from 1985 to 2007. And you have helped to cultivate hundreds of successful leaders for international groups and governments all over the world. I wonder why you decided to come to China and set up future leadership academy at blue bay?
RL: Well, there are a number of reasons. The first I would point to is globalization, that education is becoming globalized, and that China has great benefit to derive from this process and also has a great deal to offer to the rest of the world. So our school will be for Chinese students but also will bring in visiting foreign students so they can understand China better and can benefit from the treasures of Chinese civilization and Chinese culture and Chinese learning.
The second reason is that this is a very important moment in history when China is stepping into a leadership role in the world, particularly in development and climate change, and really this brings up an urgent need for Chinese students to get a new style of education that will enable them to be leaders of this change, who are really global citizens and global professionals with a strong Chinese identity. And similarly, the foreign students who come will be able to interact with China and have careers related to China that will be very important.
And the third reason, and it is a more personal reason, is that I have lived and worked in China for a number of years, so I am familiar with the culture and the people, but I think what is unique about China is its respect for learning and for education and for teachers, which is quite distinctive in the world—and this is a very good environment in which to be an educator, so I am very pleased to come here and to be able to work at the Future Leadership Academy at Blue Bay.
主持人:I see, thank you. Next question is that because we all know that your previous experience was mainly focusing on the university education. Could you share some experience about it in the U.S.? So I wonder why did you decide to transfer to k12 education? And have you got any experience of being a principle in a K12 school?
RL: University education is of course very important. In the US, we have a very well developed higher education system, with many choices, many different types of universities and schools that are accessible to students. As in China, higher education has been globalizing, and there are a very large number of international students studying in American universities now and of course the biggest group comes from China. So, I have been very involved in both China and the US in student exchanges, and also in other countries (such as the BRICS), and this kind of exchange—also of ideas, of people, of teachers—is very important, because globalization means that you cannot shut yourself off from the rest of the world.
RL: Well, no, I’ve never been a principal in a K-12 school, but a long time ago when I was an undergraduate, I did spend a year as a teaching assistant in a third-grade classroom, so I do have some classroom experience.
But what I would say is this: along with many of my university colleagues, while we see the importance of university education, we believe that the demands of the future for leadership mean that you must start at a much earlier age in order to be really effective. Children have to immediately begin learning to speak other languages, to understand different cultures-- and understand their own culture at the same time in a global context-- and that is a process that needs to begin as early as possible. And that needs to be a continuous learning process that goes from K or even pre-K to 12th grade, so that when students arrive at universities, which have huge resources, not just libraries and facilities, but above all human resources—teachers and other students— our students are able to benefit from them. I think that if you put all efforts and resources directly into universities, you have too much of a gap between early education and higher education.
主持人:What do you understand of Chinese students? How to make yourself a great principle in a Chinese school?
RL: Well, I hope to be a great principal by working with my friend Michael Shi and his terrific team, but because I have encountered Chinese students at all levels— and I have spoken at Chinese schools and universities, I have many friends in this country and even family here—I feel that I have something to contribute in China by bringing in my global experience. And also I want to keep learning, I never want to stop being someone who is constantly learning and in school, because that is a life-long process and we all have to part of that, no matter that we are important people in education.
主持人:Why would you join FLA at blue bay and work with Michael Shi and the administration team? What would you bring in to the school?
RL: I must say when I first saw the design for FLA and had a chance to meet Michael and talk to him and to his team at great length, I found that we were entirely on the same wavelength (as we say in America), we were broadcasting on the same frequency. So, with our shared views of education-- that it should be interactive, that it should fully engage students, that it should be project-based learning using different new types of pedagogy—I felt very comfortable immediately.
And it also fit, as I was saying earlier, my desire to play a role in China and to learn from China in helping to create a new educational model for K-12.
RL: I bring a great deal of global resources, not just in the classroom but also outside of the classroom. My students at Columbia were from more than 100 countries and I brought them into internships in companies, in government agencies, in civic organizations. We can do this at FLA, both in China and around the world, because there are many different settings in which students can learn and enhance what they get in the classroom. Their learning is a process of constantly being engaged in the world, not just locked into a classroom and being lectured to, but making students more active participants in their own education and in gathering their own knowledge and skills.
主持人:As one of the two principles of FLA, how do you define your responsibilities as one of the principles?
RL: On the one hand, my particular task is to represent the school in public and particularly internationally at universities that will be looking at our students for possible admission, but at the same time I will be several times a year in the classroom, actively involved as a teacher, because if you are not in the classroom, you are not in the game. So, I will also be doing that.
Michael, on the other hand, will be running the operations of the school. This is an appropriate role for a Chinese principal in a Chinese school, and I think that actually, we complement each other very nicely, not just in terms of our experience and personalities, but also in terms of our shared understanding of where we want to take FLA in Blue Bay in the future. I think this is an arrangement that will work very well.
主持人:What do you think of teachers’ role in a school? What factors will you consider first in terms of choosing a teacher?
RL: That is a very good question and a very important one. To my mind, both in my experience and when I speak to my friends they also agree, when I think back to my own education, what I remember most are inspiring teachers, who were very special and who taught me things that no one else could teach me.
So, at FLA we are looking for teachers who are inspiring, who see their role as a mission, almost a sacred mission, to teach young people and bring them into the world. We are looking for teachers who are engaged, who are honest, who are ethical, and who love their work. Too many schools around the world, unfortunately, have teachers who see their role as being simply to come in and put in their time, but at FLA at Blue Bay, the teachers we have already hired and the others we will identify and hire in the future, are very different: they see teaching as their calling in life, the thing they want to do more than anything else, and they bring that inspiration to the classroom, they bring it to the students, and that makes it a life-long gift to the students. We are looking for special individuals, who have not just the qualifications on paper, but who have the personality and the ambition and the mentality to work with us in what we see as a learning community-- and this is very important to us— not merely an institution but a community in which everyone participates and cooperates together.
主持人:Okay , so now about the student. What kind of students do you want to admit into your school? And have you ever think about their future after they graduate from FLA?
RL: I would say that the first thing about the kind of student we are looking for is that they want to change the world, and they want to change themselves in order to change the world. And that is often difficult to figure out when they are very young, but we have a team that has a great deal of successful experience, a great track record, in doing exactly that, in finding talent. So, we are looking for students with that sense of wanting to play a big role in the future, and we are also looking for students who understand what we are doing at FLA and really want to be part of that and whose families want to be part of that. We are a community and a number of the things we will do with students we hope will also involve their parents and their family also, so that the resources we give, the richness we offer in terms of learning, is not simply just to them but to a larger community that extends beyond the walls of the school. Those are the kind of students we will look for.
As to their future, we see ourselves as creating a new generation of global citizens and global professionals who have something valuable to offer. And we hope that the Chinese students will have a very strong Chinese identity and with a very clear sense of the best Chinese values, combined with the best of global learning and global values in order to address a number of future challenges we all face as human beings and as global partners. Some of these are very urgent challenges, and we want to create students who will be capable of solving those problems. Increasingly, the world is facing very pressing issues that call for new and creative solutions and we hope to be providing both the style and substance of an education that equips our students to tackle those challenges and to offer creative new solutions for global prosperity and happiness.
主持人:Could you talk about the future plan of FLA?
RL: Sure. I think we both agree that the focus is to slowly and steadily and carefully build an excellent school. You know, China is a very big country—everyone knows this, Chinese and non-Chinese—and there are many students who need better educational resources, as in the rest of the world. And there are many educational projects in China today that are on a grand scale—20 or 30 or 40 schools in the next five years is what some companies are planning. But we are not like that: we want to create just one unique, world-class school at Blue Bay and we want a small but very important group of graduates who will make a big impact in the world.
We are not in a hurry: we are a non-profit school, so we do not have to worry about making a lot of money, we don’t have to teach large numbers of students, we want to do what we are doing in the right way. That is very important to us.
In the long run, we hope that we create a model that can be repeated in other places and spread the benefits of our system to other parts of China. But for now, we are focusing in a very concentrated way on what we are doing in Hainan.
主持人:Is there any special teaching system in this school?
RL: There is not one system, we have different approaches to our courses. We have, for instance, a special teaching system we are going to use for mathematics, we have another one for language teaching that we call “Dual Mother-Tongue,” having children at a very early age focus on both Chinese and English together.
And then in middle school and high school, we are going to have a number of signature courses that nobody else in China is really doing. One is the Future Empowerment Course, which will give them the technical skills to feel empowered and be effective communicators using new technologies. The second is the Leadership and Entrepreneurship Course, which I myself am directing the design of with a team of teachers, and this will create leadership consciousness and abilities, as well as an understanding of how entrepreneurship works. To do all this, you have to start with the individual: to be a good leader, you have to lead yourself first, so that will be part of the process.
And the third course, which is very exciting and unique, is the Ocean Course, which will take advantage of our wonderful location by the South China Sea to use the ocean as a classroom to teach the connectedness of issues ranging from scientific and technical ones to social policy issues, and how the preservation of the ocean is something very crucial to human life in the future. So these are all parts of our educational system—but it is not just one system.
