

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月09日 11:27   海天教育

  Information in The Modern World (174 words)

  To be well-informed is very important in the modern world. Success or failure in many fields, very frequently, depends on whether the latest information is obtained, not on how much knowledge one has already acquired. This is why the current era is called “Information Age”.

  There are many ways to get the latest information to keep up with what is going on both at home and abroad. Newspaper reading is a very popular and convenient means. Newspaper articles usually cover almost all kinds of news: local news, regional news, national news, international news... Besides, TV programs also offer varied kinds of news --- news of politics, finance, education, sports... But the most exciting means of obtaining information, I think, should be from computer network. Almost all kinds of the latest information are accessible there.

  To sum up, I would like to predict that information will play a more and more important part in the future. Without information, we would act like the blind and would find it extremely difficult to make a step forward.

  Education and Technology (301 words)

  Education and technology have a close relationship with each other, which becomes increasingly obvious in the modern society. As is known to us all, we live in the ‘information age’ or ‘knowledge explosion age’. The reason for this may be twofold: on the one hand, education is the base for technological advance. Without education, people are unlikely to acquire knowledge, which means that there would be no one applying technology. On the other hand, advanced technology impels the development of education, because advanced technology invariably means more educational opportunities and more varied facilities for education. Hence, a greater number of people will be educated.

  In order to advance technology, we have to develop education as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would block the speed of development. Developing education has at least two advantages. For one thing, developing education can ensure technologic innovation continuously. Generally speaking, better-educated people, who get more knowledge, are supposed to be more initiative than those who get less education. For the other thing, developing education can guarantee the wide application of technology. With the rapid development of our national economy, technology penetrates every aspect of our life so much so that one would fall into trouble if he learned insufficient knowledge of technology. For example, those who know little about computers will meet with difficulties both in their work and life.

  In order to carry out education effectively, we should try to take the advantage of technological facilities. The utility of technology can accelerate the development of education. It not only supplies more and more new applications and methods for research in education, but also improves the structure of education itself.

  In short, education and technology are the two inseparable parts of human development. They relate to each other closely and help to push each other forward.

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