

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月09日 11:27   海天教育

  Why People Travel

  The fast development of modern technology has not only provided people with a considerable amount of disposable income, but also enable them to enjoy long weekends and paid holidays. Never before have so many people traveled to so many different parts of the world and, with the help of fast, comfortable modes of modern transport, more and more people are tempted to leave their homes to see more of the world. It seems as if there are travelers everywhere.

  People travel because traveling benefits them in a number of ways. First, it enables them to derive much pleasure from sight- seeing and photo-taking. Second, traveling relieves them from strain and makes them thoroughly relaxed and ready to resume their work with renewed efforts. Third, it offers them an opportunity to visit old friends and make new friends as well. Finally, it allows them to see different customs, learn new things, gain new experience and enables them to come back with a broader mind.

  With so many advantages to traveling, I think people should be encouraged to travel from time to time, especially on holidays, if their finance and health permit.

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