

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月09日 11:27   海天教育

  Science and Technology —— a Blessing or a Curse?(218 words)

  Science and technology have brought about tremendous changes in people’s lives. Scientific research continues to explore the fields that people previously undreamed of. Fifty years ago, few people could even imagine things like computers, lasers and space-scuttles. Now all these newly invented technologies are benefiting people all over the world. In a word, advanced science and technology has made man master of the globe.

  As is known to all, each coin has two sides. When we are enjoying the remarkable wonders which science and technology has brought us, we are suffering at the same time from a lot of troubles. For example, environmental pollution, noise, green-house effect and nuclear weapons are the things we did not need to bother about in the past. But these problems nowadays are not only making our life inconvenient, but even dangerous.

  In my opinion, humans are now relatively more powerful. So it is up to men to decide what we should do and what we shouldn’t. It is our duty to make science and technology serve human beings better and better. In consequence, we are faced with a glorious task —— to build a magnificent new civilization by means of advanced science and technology. Only then can we expect to make the development of science and technology a blessing rather than a curse.

  On Environmental Protection (342 words)

  Environmental protection is frequently talked about nowadays. The authorities are doing their best to arouse the public awareness of the vital importance of the environmental protection; and the news media, now and then, expose behaviors, which damage the environment. This issue is, indeed, worth following up.

  Environmental protection is closely related not only to our personal life, but also to the entire human race and the world’s further development. For one thing, the environment, in a narrow sense, determines the quality of our individual life. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, etc., all come directly from the environment. If they continue to be contaminated, we may have neither clean water, nor healthy food. For another thing, in a broader sense, the environment plays a decisive role in the fate of mankind. As is known to all, the earth, up to now, is human being’s sole dwelling place. We can expect that someday we will live on another planet, but I doubt that this day will come earlier than the day when the earth becomes a globe of waste, if we keep damaging the environment. Finally, the environment is essential to the further development of the world. Extensive industrialization, which has brought about all the convenience and facilities we enjoy today, has been depending on the comprehensive exploitation of the earth’s natural resources found in the environment. If we do not protect the environment properly, further development cannot be guaranteed. In a word, to protect the environment is an urgent task.

  Nevertheless, environmental protection is indeed a demanding task. Many people are still, either unconscious of the urgency of the task or deliberately damaging the environment for the interests of their own. Hence, we should adopt severe punitive measures to prohibit people from doing more harms to the environment. Meanwhile, we need to make the gravity of the present situation known to all. In other words, punishment and instruction should be equally emphasized. Only in this way can we look forward to a cleaner and greener world.

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