

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月09日 11:27   海天教育

  Why China’s Foreign Trade Booms?(220 words)

  While the world as a whole is suffering an economic recession, China has been experiencing a big boom in its foreign trade.

  The four major factors may account for the fast growth.

  To begin with, the boom is the result of China’s reform and opening up to the outside world. This policy has stimulated the demand for imports and resulted in more quality goods for exports.

  Besides, China’s trade reform has also made its import and export system conform more to common international practices. In particular, the government has adopted measures that encourage foreign trade enterprises to operate more freely and independently.

  Moreover, active diplomatic activities have helped create a more favorable international environment for China’s foreign trade. China has resumed economic and foreign trade relations with almost all of the economically developed countries.

  Finally, the policy of diversifying its trading partners has played a big part. China has established trade relations with over 200 countries, setting up nearly 300 trading agencies abroad.

  All in all, with the sound development of China’s domestic market, and the effective national policies, predictably, China’s foreign trade will surely continue to increase. China, in the world economy, will play an increasingly important role. Just as the saying goes, in terms of the economic development, “ The world needs China, and China needs the world”.

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