

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  2002 照片 Cultures—National and International

  1. Describe the picture and

  interpret its meaning, and

  2. Give your comment on the phenomenon.

  2003 图画 The flower raised in a greenhouse cannot stand natural wind and rain

  1. Describe the set of drawings, interpret its meaning, and

  2. Point out its implications in our life.

  2004 图画 The end is also the new beginning

  1. Describe the drawing,

  2. Interpret its meaning, and

  3. Support your view with examples.

  2005A 书信 Letter of Resignation

  1. Telling your boss your decision,

  2. Stating your reason(s), and

  3. Making an apology.

  2005 B 图画 Caring for Old People

  1. Describe the drawing,

  2. Interpret its meaning, and

  3. Give your comment on it.

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