

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  39 Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture;

  2. interpret the meaning of the picture;

  3. make your comment.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  这篇文章属于简洁的图画配一句意味深长的话的类型。可以分为四段来写。第一段描述图画并对图画进行初步的概括性的阐释。第二段从图画出发,谈论在体育比赛中的情形。第三段谈论在人生旅途中的情况。第四段作结。In the picture, a football player is smiling on the platform. Under the picture, there is a sentence: a hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but is braver five minutes longer. This famous quotation, first said by US essayist & poet Ralph Waldo Emerson, aims at encouraging all of us rethink our life attitude and exert all our strength in the pursuit of our goals.

  When we look at an excellent player and an ordinary one in a football game, we can not tell them apart from their appearance. Physical quality is important, but it can not be compared with mental ability, just as University of Michigan head coach Lloyd Carr once said, “Mental is to physical what four is to one”. Toward the end of a fierce game, when everyone is nearly exhausted, who can clench ones teeth and hold on to the end is certainly a hero.

  In our journey of life, there are critical moments that involve much greater risks than on the sports field. Many disasters come so quickly that we have nearly no time to hesitate at all. The first natural reaction is to flee the scene, whether it is a derailed train, a wrecked ship or a place of explosion. Nevertheless, such emergent moments call for heroes, those people who can resist fear and try his best to lead or help fellow citizens out of grave danger.

  Instead of showing off our own ability or defeating others, what is of vital importance is to push beyond our own limits and hold on for another five minutes. Perhaps that is the very meaning of life itself. 第一段在描述图画后,直接对绘画者的意图进行测度——这句出自爱默生之口的名言,旨在激励我们重新审视我们的人生态度,并在追求我们目标的过程中竭尽全力。这种在描述图画后直接进行概括性推断的做法不太常用,主要出现在两种情况下:一是图画简洁,描述简单;二是在后续两段对道理进行深入的阐释,且两段是层递性的,而不是原因加办法或后果加办法的类型。






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