

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月04日 16:02   文都教育


  【难句35】The engines would have variable nozzles, which would be fully opened on take-off and landing, so that the exhaust would be slow and relatively quiet, and narrowed when the aircraft was cruising, providing the necessary speed. (The Economist Nov. 9, 2006)

  【结构分析】本句是主从复合句。主句为The engines would have variable nozzles。其后的定语从句比较复杂,以逗号后and为切入点,得到which would be fully opened…and narrowed…,关系代词which指代先行词nozzles在从句中作主语。其中so that引导的结果状语从句so that the exhaust would be slow and relatively quiet说明(nozzles)would be fully opened on takeoff and landing情况发生时所产生的结果,句末的现在分词结构providing the necessary speed 作(nozzles)would be narrowed when the aircraft was cruising情况发生时的伴随结果,其中when引导的从句作时间状语。


  【难句36】If it decides in favour, the whole industry will feel the impact, for it will affect not just European airlines but all those that fly into and out of the EU. (The Economist Jun. 8, 2006)

  【结构分析】以连词for为切入点,得到两个并列结构,分别为If it decides in favour, the whole industry will feel the impact和for it will affect not just European airlines but all those that fly into and out of the EU。前一分句中,if引导从句If it decides in favour作条件状语;后一分句中,谓语affect的宾语部分使用了not just…but…结构,句末的定语从句that fly into and out of the EU修饰先行词those。


  【难句37】The business director concentrates on planning and practicality, whether it’s deciding how to change a company’s business strategy or ensuring that everyone attending a meeting can see the overhead projector. (The Sunday Times Jan. 11, 2006)

  【结构分析】本句的主句在逗号前The business director concentrates on planning and practicality,后面的让步状语从句由whether引导。在从句中,由or并列了两个谓语be deciding 和ensuring。decide的宾语由how to do的形式充当,ensure的宾语由that引导的名词性that everyone attending a meeting can see the overhead projector构成,注意everyone的后置定语是一个现在分词结构,我们可以还原成一个定语从句,who is attending…


  【难句38】Some jobs require specific qualifications but most top employers will take any degree discipline provided you’ve got a first or an upper second from a decent university. (Times Online Jan. 11, 2007)

  【结构分析】以but为切入点,定位本句为两个并列分句Some jobs require specific qualifications but most top employers will take any degree discipline…句末部分的provided引导条件状语从句provided you’ve got a first or an upper second from a decent university,翻译为“假如……”。


  【难句39】Even if the actual instances of mailroom-to-boardroom ascendancy are one in a million, it’s pleasant to think that somewhere out there is a person pushing a mail cart or answering phones who will one day run the company. (Business Week Jan. 29, 2007)

  【结构分析】逗号前为even if引导的让步状语从句Even if the actual instances of mailroomtoboardroom ascendancy are one in a million,翻译为“尽管……”,主句为it’s pleasant to…,其中it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面不定式结构。在不定式中,think 的宾语由that引导的名词性从句充当。在此从句中,使用了there be句型there is a person…,person后有两个现在分词短语作的后置定语 pushing a mail cart和 answering phones…这两个定语由or并列,句末的定语从句 who will one day run the company也修饰先行词person,关系代词who在从句中代替person作主语。



  【难句40】Keep in mind, though, it’s much more important to be able to show your manager how you contributed to the company’s results (such as incremental revenue or reduced cost) than just a difference in pay between you and someone else. (Business Week Feb. 5, 2007)

  【结构分析】本句使用了more…than…的比较结构。以副词though所充当的分词结构切入,本句为祈使句,keep后的宾语由省略了that的名词性从句充当。在此从句中,使用了it作形式主语,不定式结构to be able to show your manager…作真正主语的形式,show后是双宾语结构,than并列了比较的两端,为(show your manager) how you contributed to the company’s results和just a difference in pay between you and someone else。


  【难句41】It’s much better for the manager to offer a pay increase, beaming with pride over his or her good judgment in hiring you, than for you to get the same pay increase by having to ask for it. (Business Week Feb. 5, 2007)

  【结构分析】本句的比较结构与例(40)同,主干为It’s much better for the manager to…than for you to…注意两个逗号之间的分词结构beaming with pride over his or her good judgment in hiring you作前文It’s much better for the manager to offer a pay increase的目的状语。

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