As President of the United States, Barack Obama is usually the centre of attention wherever he goes。作为美国的现任总统,奥巴马所到之处通常都是众人瞩目的焦点所在。
美国小男孩与奥巴马合照时强吻女生抢镜新浪教育But when he paid an impromptu visit to a Christian school in Florida, one little boy managed to steal the scene in style。不过近日在他临时造访佛罗里达州一所基督教小学时,一位小男孩却在与总统的合影中成功抢镜。
The amorous youngster was pictured in the background of Obama's photo-op planting a kiss on the cheek of a classmate, and the image is fast becoming one of the most popular of the presidential campaign so far。在现场拍摄的照片中,坐在背景最后一排的可爱小男孩被拍到亲吻身旁一名女同学的面颊,该画面立即成为美国总统选举活动以来最受欢迎的照片之一。
The charming moment took place at Daughter of Zion Junior School in Delray Beach, Florida on Tuesday。这样可爱的一幕拍摄于周二,地点是在弗洛里达州东南部城市德尔雷比奇的Daughter of Zion 小学。
Students from the private Christian school had gathered outside to wave to Obama's motorcade as it passed - so the President decided to stop and pose for a photograph with his young fans。当奥巴马的车队路过这所私立的基督教小学时,学生们都聚在学校外朝总统挥手,所以奥巴马临时决定停车和这些可爱的孩子们拍张照片。
But as the picture was being set up, a boy in the back row turned to girl sitting next to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek。不过在拍好的照片中我们可以看到,坐在最后排的小男孩转向他旁边的女同学,在她的脸颊上亲了一口。
It was the Obama campaign which first drew attention to the hilarious photo-bomb, when it tweeted the picture on Tuesday evening。奥巴马的竞选团队首先注意到了这个欢乐的抢镜画面,在周二晚上通过推特发布了这张照片。
The picture has since spread around the world, as thousands of people embrace the chance to witness the more human side of the campaign trail。照片迅速地传遍世界,人们也非常乐意有这样的机会,可以看到竞选活动中有更多人性的一面。
In fact, the one person who does not seem to have been delighted by the kiss is its recipient. The girl appears shocked by the unwanted attention, and can be seen wiping her face in a shot taken seconds later。实际上唯一不那么开心的可能就是照片中被亲的小女孩。在照片中,小姑娘的表情看起来有点被突如其来的关注惊到了,在随后拍摄的一张照片中,可以看到她擦拭自己的脸颊。
A spokesman for the school said they were unfazed by their new-found fame, and were pleased to have hosted Obama。学校的发言人表示对这样突然的名气他们并不觉得困扰,也非常高兴可以招待总统奥巴马。
'We were just happy to have been with the President,' she told MailOnline. 'We were just happy to have the honour.'该女发言人表示:“能够和总统一起,我们真的是非常开心。这是我们的荣幸。”