Half of richAmericans hide wealth from children
Taking the pulsenationwide of the rich with$3 million or more in assets a survey by US Trust released by Bankof America found that "surprisingly few of those surveyed havewell-developed plans to preserve and pass on their assets to eithertheir children or charity."
Many of the 457 people surveyed are Baby Boomersand areself-made, first-generation rich and have "a distinct generationalmindset."
Fifty-two percent of parents surveyed have not fully disclosedtheir wealth to their children, and 15 percent have disclosednothing about the family wealth。
One in three parents said they had never thought to do it,while 24 percent said they feared their children would becomelazy。
Twenty percent said they would make poor decisions or
squandermoney, and 13 percent worried other peoplewould take advantage of their children。
Only 34 percent strongly agreed that their children will beable to handle any inheritance they plan to leave them。
"There is an expectation about the wealthy that they have animplicit, sacred responsibility to pass down their fortune to thenext generation, and this understanding has shaped expectationsabout the coming wave of intergenerational wealth transfer," saidSallie Krawcheck, president of Bank of America Global Wealth andInvestment Management。
"Our research, however, uncovered a distinct generationalmindset that reflects changing views about what retirement meansand an evolving sense of what one generation owes the next."