Spending more time at school may increase intelligence, according to a study of Norwegian men, BBC reported. The research, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggested that an extra year in the classroom could boost IQ by nearly four points. The authors said that extra schooling had a "sizeable effect" on IQ in early adulthood. But they do not know if this applies to all children, or just those in this study。
据英国广播公司报道,对挪威男性的一项研究表明,学校呆的时间越长就越可能会提高智商。 该研究刊登在《国家科学研究院学报》。研究称,在教室多学习一年就可以提高智商近4个点。 该研究作者称,刚进入成年期时,在学校额外呆的时间对智商有很大的影响。 但是,他们尚不知这是否对每个孩子都适用,或者仅限于此次的研究对象。