As a child, there is no better feeling than wrapping up a school year and heading into that seemingly never ending stretch of summer. You can probably remember how amazing it felt to enjoy long, sunny days with nary a page of homework in sight. Pure bliss。
Believe it or not, summer for kids is even more awesome now than ever before. That’s because outdoor enthusiasts are recognizing the opportunity to establish summer camps for kids centered around fun outdoor activities. These aren’t your traditional summer camps—read on to hear about 6 camps that will have you wishing you were still a kid。
Surfing USA
圣迭戈(San Diego)的拉吉拉冲浪夏令营(La Jolla Surf Camp)是一个为期一周的夏令营,旨在培养孩子们对于冲浪的乐趣。在过去的15年,这个营一直对5到10岁的不同程度的孩子进行室内和户外冲浪的教学。
San Diego’s La Jolla Surf Camp is a weeklong day camp aimed towards getting kids stoked on surfing. For the past 15 years, this camp has been teaching kids age 5 to 10, with all levels of experience, the ins and outs of surfing。
Sessions include workshops covering all aspects of surfing, from sun protection to ocean awareness to surf etiquette. Of course, there’s plenty of actual surfing to be done on the sandy beaches of San Diego. Water-loving kids will love learning a new skill (or further developing an existing one) while meeting other surfing kiddos and boosting their self-confidence on a board。
Mountain Biking Minis
哈德伍德营(Camp Hardwood)在多伦多向北一个小时距离的地方,是为了那些想要去探索山地车世界的6到13岁儿童开设的。
Just an hour north of Toronto, Ontario, Camp Hardwood is geared (pun intended) towards kids age 6 to 13 who are eager to explore the world of mountain biking。
Mornings are dedicated to trail riding, bike maintenance, and skill development, while afternoons are spent participating in activities like low ropes courses and disc golf. Families are invited to join in on the Wednesday night race, where campers can showcase their skills and enjoy a BBQ afterwards. Kids will get the chance to explore seven trail systems comprising more than 50 miles of single track and double track。
Summer Skiing
在八月中旬滑雪?这对于喜欢雪的孩子来说一定是个好消息。位于俄勒冈州的好德夏季滑雪营(Mt. Hood Summer Ski Camps)就是为这些等不及冬天的蠢蠢欲动的9岁以上孩子们开放的。这里的项目包括滑雪比赛,自由滑雪,带板滑雪比赛和雪上技巧。
Skiing in the middle of August? This will be music to the ears of snow-loving kids. Mt. Hood Summer Ski Camps in Oregon are open to kids age 9 and up who simply can’t wait for the winter season to come. Camp programs include ski racing, freeskiing, freeriding, snowboard racing, and moguls。
这个住宿营让孩子们与其他营员和他们的教练关系更加密切,也可能让他们变成专业选手——奥运会参赛者包括朱莉娅 曼库索(Julia Mancuso),利格特(Ted Ligety)和维克野(Vic Wild),他们都是曾经的优秀营员。
This overnight camp lets kid bonds with other campers and their coaches, and might very well turn them into a pro—famous camp alumni include Olympians like Julia Mancuso, Ted Ligety, and Vic Wild。
To Alaska!
对于野外世界有着执着热爱的十几岁的孩子肯定会求你让他们和冒险旅行(Adventure Treks)一起去经历阿拉斯加探索之旅。这个30天的住宿营对于那些疯狂热爱户外活动并且做好准备去探索野外世界的孩子们来说的确是一个明智的选择。
Teens who are passionate about the wilderness will be begging you to let them check out the Alaska Expedition with Adventure Treks. This thirty day overnight camp is ideal for teens who have fallen in love with the outdoors and are ready to experience wilderness in all its rugged glory。
Sea kayaking among the orcas, scaling Matanuska Glacier, and summiting Alaskan mountains are just some of the once-in-a-lifetime adventures that teens will get to enjoy. Along the way, campers become tight with the other teens and instructors on the trip—treks are kept relatively small, with 24 students and 6 instructors, to ensure optimal bonding and a great instructor-to-camper ratio. Fair warning: your teen will probably not want to return home after this one!
Paddle On
在加拿大的安大略省的旺彼泰营(Camp Wanapitei),就是孩子参加皮划艇运动的最好的夏令营。非常欢迎7岁及以上的营员加入这个夏令营项目。
Based in Ontario, Canada, Camp Wanapitei is the ultimate camp for kids keen on paddle sports. Campers age 7 and up are welcome to join in on the overnight camp programs。
Kids will learn paddling and wilderness skills, putting it all to the test on an overnight canoe trip (ranging from 2 night trips for the junior camps to a three week river paddling adventure for teens). Wanapitei has operated on its 42 acre property since 1931—it’s safe to say that these guys know what they’re doing!
Backcountry Smorgasbord
对于喜欢乡村里的一切的孩子们来说,“臭名昭著”的桑伯恩西部营地(Sanborn Western Camps)是一个不错的选择。这个营地坐落在科罗拉多山脉里12000公顷的牧场中,并且提供了一个可以自主选择冒险类型的项目。孩子们可以自己选择去参加像是爬山,骑马,钓鱼和徒步一类的活动。桑伯恩欢迎7到16岁的孩子来参加他们的住宿营。这些夏令营连续被评为最酷的乡村营之一。在落基山度过了一整个夏天以后,孩子们会更加喜欢美好的室外生活。
For kids who love all things backcountry, check out the infamous Sanborn Western Camps. Situated on a 12,000 acre ranch in the Colorado Rockies, Sanborn offers choose-your-own-adventure type programming. Kids can choose to participate in awesome activities like rock climbing, horseback riding, fishing, and hiking. Sanborn welcomes kids 7 to 16 for their overnight camps. Their camps are constantly rated as some of the coolest camps in the country. Kids will fall even more with the great outdoors after spending a summer in the Rocky Mountains。