Air conditioning, watermelons, ice cream—we have all kinds ofgadgets and food to get us through the summer. But what could bebetter than some waterborne fun during the hot months? With daringslides and exciting rides, water parks keep us happy even in thesizzling heat。
The following are a few special and well-known water parksaround the world. Take a good look, and know what the real waterparks look like。
Noah’s Ark
Location: Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, US
Highlight: Thrilling rides
Noah’s Ark offers many water slides. The most notable ride isthe Black Anaconda. At more than 400 meters in length, it is theUS’ most thrilling water coaster and sends riders spiraling down atspeeds of up to 48 kilometers per hour. Then rushing water pushesriders up the creature’s six humps and wraps them up in its darkcoils。
The Time Warp, the “world’s largest bowl ride”, features a21-meter descent, while the Scorpion’s Tail drops riders down atrap door into an almost inverted loop. Plus, with 18 indoor waterparks, Wisconsin Dells gives water lovers a chance to try out morefun。
Tropical Islands Resort
Location: Brandenburg, Germany
Highlight: Large space
It offers the largest indoor water park in the world (65,961square meters), and its indoor pool can accommodate 6,000 visitorsat a time. As Europe’s largest tropical holiday world, TropicalIslands is more than a water park. It’s a fully functional resort,featuring a theme park, an artificial rainforest, a lagoon, abeach, steam baths, saunas and many shops and restaurants. One ofits major attractions is the Tropical Islands Dome, a free-standinghall. It is large enough “to accommodate the Statue of Libertystanding up and the Eiffel Tower lying on its side”. There are alsoseveral water slides and other activities that people of all agescan enjoy。
Las Cascada Water Park
Las Cascada 水上乐园
Location: Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Highlight: Beautiful scenery
Las Cascada is well-known for its incredible beauty. It issurrounded by tropical mountain forests and situated close to theocean. Its attractions include the Crazy River pool, whichsimulates the nearby ocean waves. Visitors can let the water splashover them without worrying about the salt water stinging theirfaces。
Las Cascada因其美不胜收的景色而远近闻名。它被热带丛林环绕,坐落在大海之滨。其著名景点“疯狂泳池”拥有和旁边大海一样的模拟海浪,游客可以享受水花四溅的感觉,而不必担心脸被咸咸的海水刺激到。
The water ride, El Rio Pasivo, carries riders through the wholewater park. They can see the mountains and waterfalls aroundit。
而名为El Rio Pasivo的水滑梯则可以让游客环绕整个水上乐园,将乐园周围的山峦和瀑布尽收眼底。
Chimelong Water Park
Location: Guangzhou, China
Highlight: Advanced equipment
It is one of the largest water parks in Asia. With its advancedtechnology, it also debuts many new aquatic facilities in theindustry. The Family Boomerango satisfies the needs of the wholefamily. Riders are shot up vertically before hanging weightless fora split second and then dropping down again backwards. They endtheir trip by gliding over a transition hump and landing in asplash-down pool. Another of the park’s rides offers a tubeconveyor that transports riders up the 19-meter-tall tower. Thepark has implemented a special water treatment system that ensuressafe PH levels and removes harmful germs。
Beijing Watercube Waterpark
Location: Beijing, China
Highlight: Unique interior design
Originally built as the National Aquatics Center for the 2008Summer Olympic Games, it was converted into a wet and wild fun zoneafter the games finished。
Its interior design is quite unique. Giant amoeba figures hangfrom the ceiling, jellyfish-shaped objects float around in thewater, fish spin overhead, water tubes crisscross everywhere, and awater ride circumnavigates the scene. Add a rich blue and pastelcolor scheme, and you feel like you’re in the movie Avatar. Thepark offers 10 rides and other attractions。
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