It is one thing to learn a new piece of information, such as a newphone number or a new word, but quite another to get your brain tofile it away so it is available when you need it。
A new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience byresearchers at the University of York and Harvard Medical Schoolsuggests that sleep may help to do both. The scientists found thatsleep helps people to remember a newly learned word and incorporatenew vocabulary into their "mental lexicon"。
During the study, researchers taught volunteers new words inthe evening, followed by an immediate test. The volunteers sleptovernight in the laboratory while their brain activity was recordedusing an electroencephalogram. A test the following morningrevealed that they could remember more words than they didimmediately after learning them, and they could recognize themfaster demonstrating that sleep had strengthened the newmemories。
This did not occur in a control group of volunteers who weretrained in the morning and re-tested in the evening, with no sleepin between. An examination of the sleep volunteers' brainwavesshowed that deep sleep (slow-wave sleep) rather than rapid eyemovement (REM) sleep or light sleep helped in strengthening the newmemories。
These results highlight the importance of sleep and theunderlying brain processes for expanding vocabulary. Lead authorJakke Tamminen, said: "New memories are only really useful if youcan connect them to information you already know." he said theirstudy identifies the brain activity during sleep that organizes newmemories and makes those vital connections with existingknowledge。
文章关键词: 睡眠
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