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  Mohammed is now the most common boys name in Britain after a huge surge in popularity last year。在去年一波大幅度上涨的流行趋势下,穆罕默德如今是全英最常见的男孩儿名了。

  Annual data on the UK’s top baby names saw the Islamic name shoot up 27 places to knock Oliver in to second place while Sophia took top spot for girls。全英婴儿取名排名年度数据显示,这个伊斯兰名字上升了27个排名独占鳌头,把奥利弗挤到了第二,而索菲亚是女孩儿名里的排行第一。

  While these names are the most popular, there are plenty of names that AREN'T allowed in the UK。虽然这些名字是最受欢迎的,在英国还有很多不能取的名字。

  The UK deed poll service has quite a few restrictions on name changes. You need to have both a first and last name, and it cannot be vulgar, promote racial or religious hate, or the use of controlled drugs。英国签订了一系列契约规定了取名上的一些限制。你必须要有名和姓,不能过于粗俗,体现种族或者宗教仇恨,亦或是管制药品的使用。

  A name cannot ridicule people or government departments - so no calling your son 'David Cameron Uses Internet Explorer'。姓名中不能嘲笑人民或者政府部门——所以不要给你的儿子取名“戴维·卡梅伦·使用·因特网”。

  Here are 17 other names banned around the world.。.这里还有17个全世界禁止取的名字……

  1. Tom汤姆

  Portuguese authorities ban nicknames from birth certificates. Tomás would be ok, but no Tom's allowed。葡萄牙当局禁止出生证明上写昵称。“托马斯”这样是可以的,但是“汤姆”就不行。

  2. Elaine伊莱恩

  Earlier this year, Saudi Arabia released a list of names that were banned including western names and names with royal connotations like Prince。今年的早些时候,沙特阿拉伯公布了一串禁止取的名字目录,包括了西方的名字,还有带有皇室含义的名字,比如“王子”。

  3. Facebook非死不可

  After years of parents giving their children silly names the Mexican state of Sonora released a list of of names that were banned for being "derogatory, pejorative, discriminatory or lacking in meaning"。经过了这些年父母给孩子取了不少蠢名字,墨西哥索诺拉州发布了一张取名名单,禁止取名“贬义的、轻蔑的、有歧视的或贫穷的含义”。

  4. @艾特

  A Chinese couple tried to name their child Wang @. The sybmol in Chinese is pronounced "ai-ta", which is similar to 爱他, literally "love him"。一对中国夫妇试图给他们的孩子取名“王@”。这个符号在中国发音“ai-ta(爱他)”,字面上就是“爱他”的意思。

  5. Robocop机械战警

  Any big Robocop fans should steer clear of Sonoro, Mexico。墨西哥索诺拉的任何一个机械战警的粉丝都会避免这个名字。

  6. Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii跳夏威夷呼啦舞的塔露拉

  The nine-year-old girl with that moniker was put into court guardianship in New Zealand so that her name could be changed。在新西兰,取这个名字的9岁小女孩上诉到法庭监护,最终她的名字可以改掉。

  7. Traffic交通

  This delightful name is banned in Sonoro, Mexico。在墨西哥索诺拉,这个欢乐的名字是禁止的。

  8. Linda琳达

  Another name banned in Saudi Arabia。沙特阿拉伯另一个被禁止的名字。

  9. Adolf Hitler阿道夫·希特勒

  American neo-Nazi Heath Campbell came to public attention when a cake shop refused to ice a cake with his son's name - Adolf Hitler。美国新纳粹分子希思坎贝尔进入了公众视线,一家蛋糕店拒绝冷藏写有他儿子的名字“阿道夫·希特勒”的蛋糕。

  10. Alice爱丽丝

  You can't name your daughter Alice in Saudi Arabia。在沙特阿拉伯,你不能给你的女儿取名爱丽丝。

  11. Lady Di戴安娜王妃

  Banned in Sonoro, Mexico. Diana is allowed though。这个名字在墨西哥索诺亚禁止。但是取名戴安娜是可以的。

  12. Metallica金属乐队

  Tax officials initially denied a Swedish couple a passport for their daughter, named after the band, but later withdrew the objection。税务局先是拒绝了一对瑞典夫妇给他们的女儿,名叫“金属乐队”(乐队名)发通行证,但是随后收回了这个决策。

  13. Circumcision割礼

  WHYYYY. This name is banned in Sonoro, Mexico, but we cannot imagine why you would want call your child that in the first place。为什么啊啊啊!这个名字在墨西哥索诺亚被禁止,但是我们无法想象你为什么给你孩子最初起个这个名字。

  14. Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116国际音标读成”阿尔宾“

  Sweden again, parents attempted to give their child this catchy name in protest of strict Swedish naming laws. Apparently it's pronounced Albin。又是瑞典,父母试图给他们的孩子取个这样扎眼的名字以反抗瑞典严格的取名法。表面上它读成“阿尔宾”。

  15. James Bond詹姆斯·邦德

  This awesome name is also banned in Sonoro。在索诺亚,这个帅气的名字也是禁止的。

  16. Sex fruit性感水果

  New Zealand banned a couple from naming their child Sex fruit. It's fairly disturbing that anyone would want to do that IN THE FIRST PLACE。新西兰禁止了一对夫妇给孩子取名“性感水果”。一开始就想这么干的人真是相当烦人啊。

  17. Terminator终结者

  Well at least Sonora has stopped there from ever being a funeral director or doctor with the first name Terminator。最后,索诺亚禁止曾为葬礼承办人或者说医生的名字是“终结者”。


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