She is the world's crankiest cat with a permanent scowl that has inspired countless memes, a best-selling series of books and a movie。她是世界上张着一张永远怒气冲冲的脸的,脾气暴躁的猫咪,她红到无人不知无人不晓,还出了一系列书籍和电影。
But even the news that she has amassed a £64million fortune has not been enough to put a smile on the face of internet sensation Grumpy Cat – real name Tardar Sauce。但是即使是这个好消息也没能让这只席卷6400万英镑的“脾气暴躁的猫”浮现笑容,这只网络红猫的真正名字是塔达·索斯。
The feline, who shot to fame two years ago in a YouTube video that got 15.7 million views, has earned more than Hollywood stars Nicole Kidman, Cameron Diaz and Matthew McConaughey。这只猫因两年前YouTube的视频里一炮而红,并吸引了1570万的点击率,甚至比好莱坞明星妮可·基德曼、卡梅隆·迪亚兹和马修·麦康纳还红。
Owner Tabatha Bundesen from Morristown, Arizona, said the two-year-old moggy is 'unstoppable'。猫的主人——来自美国亚利桑那州莫里斯敦的塔巴莎·邦德森说,这只两岁的家猫已经“红到发紫”。
She now 521,000 followers on Instagram and 255,000 on Twitter and her face appears on calendars, mugs and T-shirts。这只猫如今在Instagram已有52万1000的粉丝,而在推特上有25万5000粉丝,她的脸出现在日历上,马克杯上还有T恤上。
Grumpy was born with dwarfism and an underbite, giving her a permanently disgruntled expression。“坏脾气”出生的时候就很矮小还反颌,让她的表情永远都是很不满的样子。
Her latest deal is for her own brand of iced coffee, Grumppuccino, which is sold in a number of stores。她最近的一笔生意是出了自己品牌的冰咖啡Grumppuccino,已经在各大零售店销售起来了。
Her follow-up book, The Grumpy Guide To Life: Observations By Grumpy Cat, advises that 'It's always good to have a partner in crime - you need someone to blame when people start asking questions'。她随后发售的书籍,《暴脾气生活指南:“坏脾气”猫咪的观察日记》建议,有一个共犯是件好事——当别人质问你的时候你需要找个人来推卸责任。
She even made an appearance onstage at FOX's American Idol XIII and posed with Jennifer Lopez。她甚至在FOX台的《美国偶像第八季》中和詹妮佛·洛佩茨同台献艺。
This Grass: I’d like to bury you under it!P图:我要把你埋到草里!!
文章关键词: 双语