
2014年12月09日09:51  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Chinese media outlet Sina has criticized EXO for being rude to Andy Lau at 2014 MAMA (Mnet Asia Music Award), which took place in Hong Kong, on December 3rd.中国网媒新浪对2014年12月3日在香港举行的亚洲音乐颁奖盛典上,EXO对刘德华的无礼举动展开了批斗。

  According to Sina, EXO did not show good manners towards Andy Lau who presented the “Artist of the Year” award to the group. Sina uploaded a photo with the caption, “Andy Lau was invited to present an award to Korean group EXO. When Andy Lau used both hands to present the award to EXO, the member from EXO not only took the award using one hand, but also did not make direct eye contact with Andy Lau。”据新浪所说,EXO在刘德华为其颁发“年度最佳艺人”的时候表现的毫无礼貌。新浪为配图添加了注释,“刘德华受邀为韩国男团EXO颁奖。当刘德华双手将奖杯交到EXO手中时,EXO的成员用仅用单手接下奖杯,而且都没看刘德华一眼。”

  At first, the Chinese netizens’ comments include, “EXO members were rude in front of their super senior,” “EXO made their debut

  only yesterday, but they were rude probably due to their popularity,” “Just by looking at this one incident, we can assume so much about them,” and other similar negative reactions。一开始,中国网民在下评论,“EXO的成员在他们大前辈面前表现的如此无礼,”“EXO昨天才第一次登场,他们就是仗着人气才表现的这么嚣张,”“凭这个瞬间我们就可以路人转黑了,”当然还有其他的负面评论。

  But soon after, Chinese netizens criticized the Chinese news media for releasing unreasonable photos. The comments included, “We saw the clip of the incident and we see nothing rude about what EXO did,” “That photo is an evil plot to entrap EXO,” and “Andy Lau probably did not even speak about EXO being rude so stop with the false accusations。”但是随后,中国网民开始抨击中国新闻媒体发布不实照片。评论如下,“我们看了这幕的瞬间,没发现EXO有任何无礼举动,”“这张照片就是给EXO招黑的,”还有“刘德华本人都没说EXO无礼,所以招黑可以消停会了。”

  EXO received four awards at 2014 MAMA, including “Best Asian Style,” “Best Male Group,” “Artist of the Year,” and “Album of the Year。”EXO在2014MAMA上获得了4项大奖,包括“最佳亚洲风尚,”“最佳男团”,“年度最佳艺人”,还有“年度最佳专辑”。


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