
2015年03月19日10:26  中国日报网 微博    收藏本文     
英艺术家人体彩绘以鸟喻人栩栩如生 英艺术家人体彩绘以鸟喻人栩栩如生
英艺术家人体彩绘以鸟喻人栩栩如生 英艺术家人体彩绘以鸟喻人栩栩如生
英艺术家人体彩绘以鸟喻人栩栩如生 英艺术家人体彩绘以鸟喻人栩栩如生
英艺术家人体彩绘以鸟喻人栩栩如生 英艺术家人体彩绘以鸟喻人栩栩如生
英艺术家人体彩绘以鸟喻人栩栩如生 英艺术家人体彩绘以鸟喻人栩栩如生
英艺术家人体彩绘以鸟喻人栩栩如生 英艺术家人体彩绘以鸟喻人栩栩如生

  来自英国的32岁人体彩绘艺术家(bodypainter)凯特·迪恩(Kate Dean)通过在裸体模特身上彩绘作画,创作了一组栩栩如生的鸟类造型图,展现了结婚、生子、抚育后代到孩子独立等人生重要阶段。

  Feeding baby chicks: Kate's work is said to represent different stages of human life including settling down and having children。

  The lovebirds perched on a branch represent the intimacy of a relationship in Kate's body-painting works。

  Kate paints a model's hands so they look like a parrot taking flight。

  Kate's more intricate creations can take up to 15 hours to complete and include up to 12 painted models - including this peacock。

  Kate produced six images of birds for her project Life In Flight - including this hummingbird "representing the intimacy of a relationship"。

  Kate juggled her project with her first pregnancy which actually helped to influence the message behind the work。

  The final collection is the result of seven to eight months of continuous work。

文章关键词: 双语人体彩绘

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