
2015年07月13日14:05  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  编辑点评:不久前,一位英国人拍下了他搭乘中国的京沪高铁时的经历,并详细展现了高铁车厢内的构造。而当这段视频被发布到网上后,很快引起了外国人的震惊.。。小编表示,这位外国友人是“刘姥姥进了大观园” 的节奏吗?哈哈~~

  Video was taken by an UK traveller, showing the boarding procedure, stations, business class lounge, scenery and each of the seating classes on the train。一名英国游客拍下了这段视频。视频里展示了其乘坐高铁的过程,候车大厅,贵宾候车室,沿途的风景,以及高铁列车上的各个等级的客舱。

  The journey started from Shanghai Hongqiao and ended at Beijing South, covering 1,318 km in 4 hours 55 minutes。其乘坐的高铁列车始发站为上海虹桥,终点站为北京南站,全程1318千米,时长4小时55分。


  William T

  China is far from the most advanced country but China had developed in such speed that no other country in the history can be matched.  However, mentality and mannerism cannot be changed or improved over night and that may take much longer time to do. But this doesn't mean we only concentrate on the negatives in China but must recognize the positives。虽说中国距离世界上顶尖发达国家还很远,但中国发展速度之快却是无可睥睨的。虽然,一个国家的精神意识和文明程度不可能在昼夜之间发生质变,但这并不代表我们必须盯着中国负面的内容。我们也应该看到中国的进步。

  Regina Johnson

  Why is there no will power to build trains like this in the US! Can you imagine being able to get from NY to LA in 2-3 hours?为啥美国就没人想修建高铁呢?想想看吧,从纽约到洛杉矶只需要2-3个小时!

  reza jomhori

  I'm from Iran. I had a chance to visit China 3 years ago and fortunately had a tripe with fast train from Shanghai to Beijing. It was a fantastic experience for me. Fast much more than 300 kilometers per hour but no shaking in your seat. Everybody has his opinion but for me the best advantages to use fast train in there was the view of nature like the river and green lands that I saw during my trip that I couldn't saw if I had trip by plain from Shanghai to Beijing. 我来自伊朗,3年前曾去过中国,并有幸搭乘了京沪高铁。那真是一段美妙的经历!高铁每小时可达到300公里的时速,却一点也不抖。对于我来说,坐高铁最棒的优势在于可以沿途看看河流和绿地这样的自然风景,如果我坐飞机从上海到北京,就看不到这么美的风光了。


  and the US and Canada doesnt have this because...。.谁能告诉我为啥美国和加拿大就不行?

  -Nia T

  because of the costs ! haha因为太贵,哈哈!

  -Joe mariconadas

  U.S. and Canada is busy on how to figure out how to fleece

  taxpayers and not build anything. In Toronto, they argue for over 10 years to extend 5 miles of subway tunnel. In China they build while in the west we talk and point fingers at each other. And also in US and Canada we build useless bureaucracies to enforce stupid and irrelevant business unfriendly regulations. That's why the Chinese and other Asian countries are getting ahead as we stagnate。美国和加拿大都在忙着从老百姓身上抽税,却根本不知道该拿钱去干什么。在多伦多,为了修建一个5英里长的地下隧道,他们喋喋不休争吵了10多年!当我们这些西方人B个没完忙着互相指责对方的时候,中国却在干!人!事!还有,在美国和加拿大,我们把钱都扔给了那些毫无用处的官僚机构,让他们制定出愚蠢又无关痛痒、不利于商业发展的规章制度。这就是为什么中国和其他亚洲国家能够领先止步不前的西方的原因!


文章关键词: 高铁双语吐槽中国英国人

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