We all wish there were cheaper, easier ways to get drunk。我们都希望更廉价,更便捷的醉生梦死过去。
However one British man has revealed how he can get drunk by simply eating chips or mashed potatoes。但是有一个英国男子爆料:自己是如何简简单单吃吃薯条啃啃马铃薯就“醉死”过去的。
Nick Hess suffers from ‘auto-brewery syndrome’, which means his stomach has an overgrowth of yeast which turns any carbohydrates he eats into alcohol。尼克·赫斯患有“自动酿酒厂症候群”,得这种病意味着他胃里的酵母过多,导致任何他吃下去的糖分都会变成酒精。
For years Nick would wake up feeling sick, or often suddenly feel drunk after meals。多年以来,尼克醒来的时候都觉得很难受,常常吃个饭就醉倒了。
His wife even started searching the house for bottles, convinced he was a secret alcoholic。他的妻子甚至开始满屋子搜罗酒瓶,深信不疑她丈夫就是个“隐性酒鬼”。
Friends often thought he was drunk even when no alcohol had passed his lips。朋友们也都常常觉得他喝醉了,明明他嘴唇上滴酒未沾。
While in hospital, and still under suspicion of being a closeted alcoholic, Nick was feed a meal heavy in carbs which caused his blood alcohol level to shoot up to 120 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood – which is the equivalent of doing seven straight shots of whiskey。在医院里,仍有秘密酒鬼嫌疑的情况下,尼克吃下一大顿碳水化合物,从而引起他血液中的酒精量飙升至120毫克/100毫升——完全等同于喝下7大瓶威士忌啊。
After being diagnosed he was given anti-fungal drugs and put on a low carb diet to combat the condition, however he still experiences one or two episodes a month。诊断之后,他领了一些坑真菌药物并吃低碳水化合物来对抗病症,但是一个月他还是要发病1、2次。