
2015年09月09日10:18  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Most mothers and fathers will have wondered what their children will grow up to look like and now a new app could take all the guess work out of the equation。大部分父母都有想过:自己的孩子长大后会是什么样子?现在一款新APP可以通过公式计算给这些猜想一个答案。

  The revolutionary software, which was originally designed to identify potential terrorists in busy crowds, has already been used to predict the future appearance of celebrity offspring including Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Harper Beckham and Eric Cowell。这款革命性的软件,设计之初是用来确认潜伏在人群中的恐怖分子的。现在已经为多位知名人士预测他们孩子未来的相貌。其中包括:乔治王子,夏洛特公主,哈珀·贝克汉姆还有埃里克·考威尔。



  How the software predicts he will look aged two, left, and seven, right. The young royal has the same plump cheeks and almond-shaped blue eyes, and bears a striking resemblance to his father William左上图为软件预测他两岁时的模样,右上图为软件预测他七岁时的模样。年轻的皇室有着与爸爸一样饱满的脸颊,蓝色的杏仁眼,和他爹相似度惊人。

  Prince George as he is expected to look aged 20, with more mature features, left, and aged 60 with greying hair around the temples and wrinkles around the eyes and jaw, right左下图是预测乔治王子20岁时的样貌,可以看出五官更加成熟。右下图的是预测乔治王子60岁时的样貌,60岁的他两鬓灰白,眼周和下巴满是皱纹。


  Princess Charlotte pictured with her brother in mid-May at Amner Hall in Norfolk, left, and, right, the computer-generated image of her age two. The innovative technology works by blending the child's face with that of their parents。左图是夏洛特公主和他的哥哥五月中旬在诺福克的阿姆那大厅的合影。右图是电脑合成的夏洛特公主两岁照片。这种全新技术混合孩子和父母的脸(生成他们长大的照片)。

Princess CharlottePrincess Charlotte

  Princess Charlotte aged seven is predicted to have her father's fair look, left, while aged 20 she looks even more like Prince William with full lips and strong features。左上图是夏洛特公主七岁的样子,和爸爸有着一样白皙的容貌。右上图为夏洛特公主20岁的样子,丰满的嘴唇和深刻的轮廓更像威廉王子了。

  Professor Hassan Ugail's technology visualises a 40-year-old Charlotte to be very fresh-faced. Even at 60 the princess has only the hint of a frown line and smooth, wrinkle-free skin。哈桑·优格里教授的这项技术(该APP创始人)所呈现40岁的夏洛特依然面带稚气,甚至在60岁的时候也只有一点点抬头纹,整个脸还是十分光滑的。


  Harper Beckham, aged four, pictured with her father David Beckham, left, and right, looking like her mother Victoria aged 20 in the computer-generated image。左图为哈珀·贝克汉姆四岁时和父亲大卫·贝克汉姆的照片。右图为电脑合成哈珀·贝克汉姆20岁的照片,看起来很像她的妈妈。


  The university professor also used his technology to predict how Prince William will look aged 47, right, compared with his appearance now (pictured in Beijing in March, left)右图:教授还利用这项技术预测威廉王子47岁时的样子。左图:威廉王子现在的样子(摄于4月,北京)。


  The Duchess of Cambridge as we know her now, left, and how the software images think she will look aged 47 - still strikingly beautiful with very few signs of ageing。左图:剑桥公爵夫人现在的样子。右图:公爵夫人47岁的电脑合成图像。可以看出她依旧非常美丽,脸上很少有岁月的痕迹。


文章关键词: 双语神器APP

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