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2012年11月22日15:09  新浪教育 微博   

  趣味少儿英语故事:斑马 zebra

  The stripes are what set the zebra apart from the rest of the horse family. They look cool and also let the zebra blend in with its surroundings for protection from some enemies. There once were a lot of zebras in many parts of Africa, but they have become endangered in some areas because of hunting。

  · I live on the continent of Africa。

  · I usually live on flat, open plains. But I also can live up in the mountains of South Africa。

  · I don't build a house but rest on the ground or stay standing when I'm tired。

  · I look a lot like a horse but I'm a little bit smaller. I have big ears and a short bunch of hair on my head called a mane. There also are hooves on the bottoms of my feet。

  · My body is silver-white or yellowish-white with black stripes. My head also is white but with brown markings, and my face is a light brown or tan color。

  · I'm smaller than most horses but still am pretty big. I can get to be about 5 feet (about 1.5 meters) tall if you measure from my hooves to my shoulders。

  · I can weigh all different amounts, but I'm usually between 400 and 1,000 pounds (about 200 to 500 kilograms)。

  · You probably would call me a vegetarian. But scientists call me a herbivore because I only eat leaves, grass and other plants。

  · I actually have trouble protecting myself, especially from larger animals like lions and from humans who hunt me. But when I do get into trouble, I often can outrun those chasing me。

  · I travel with friends in groups called herds. And at one time in the past, I almost became extinct。












  · 实际上,我并不善于自我保护,特别是当狮子那样的大型动物和人类猎捕我的时候。但是当我遇到麻烦时,我总能逃脱他们的追捕。


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