She knows it’s bad for her unborn baby, but five months pregnant Holly Piggott, 19, doesn’t want her friends to think she’s ‘boring’: ‘I’m young and I don’t feel ready to stop my life!’
她知道这样做对自己还未出生的孩子是有害的,但今年19岁已怀孕5个月的Holly Piggott不希望朋友们觉得自己‘无聊’:“我还年轻,我还不想停止现在的生活方式!”
English born Holly Piggott drinks up to 32 units of alcohol every week — the recommended number for women who AREN’T pregnant is 14! (FYI: A glass of red wine is 3 units, a beer is 2 units). “If I throw up I can say it’s the baby,” Holly, 19, tells Closer magazine。
在英国出生的Holly Piggott每周要喝下32个单位的酒精——对于未怀孕女性来说,推荐饮酒量也仅仅是14单位酒精而已!(参考酒精含量:一杯红酒含3单位酒精,啤酒含2单位酒精)“如果要吐的话,我可以说是怀孕反应”,19岁的Holly告诉《Closer》杂志。
“I’m not an idiot, I know I might be doing my baby harm,” Holly, who goes clubbing every Saturday and Sunday and out to the pub three times a week。
She says: “I’m young and I don’t feel ready to stop my life. When I don’t fit into my size 12 dresses, I’ll stop。”
Holly says she will drink at home instead when her bump starts getting bigger. How awful! Has she ever heard of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?