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2013年06月21日16:33  新浪教育 微博   我有话说


  Parents lead such busy lives that they no longer have time to read bedtime stories to their children, a survey has found. Sixty per cent said they had stories read to them when they were young, but nearly half now just turn off the lights and close the door. A study published today reveals that while mums and dads are full of good intentions, they find it hard to fit stories into their busy schedules.


  Of the 2,000 parents surveyed by telecoms firm TalkTalk only 52 per cent said they read bedtime stories to their children. The remaining 48 per cent said their lives were too hectic to squeeze a story in. Yet eight out of ten surveyed agreed that children’s development can be boosted by bedtime reading. Those in Wales, East Anglia and Scotland are least likely to read to their children, while those in London, the West Midlands and the North West are most likely to. The worrying statistics come after a government adviser last year warned that middle class children are struggling to learn how to talk because working parents are unable to find the time to help with speech development.


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