It has longbeen hailed asthe most crucial meal of the day, vital for getting the body goingand preventing overeating later on. But breakfast may not beso vital afterall, if new research is to be believed.Contrary to popular belief,the study found the first meal of the day had little impact onsnacking or portion sizeslater in the day. It also had no effecton metabolism。
Theresearchers, from the University of Bath, now suggest the betterhealth of people who eat a good breakfast may be due to theirgeneral, wider, diet regime.Theyfound there was no change in metabolism after six weeks betweenthose who ate nothing for breakfast and those who consumed 700calories before 11am.The major difference was that thosewho abstained frombreakfast ate fewer calories over the whole day。
This goesagainst the long-held theory that people who skip breakfast simplymake up for it by gorging on food later on.However, breakfasteaters were likely to expend more energy - around 442 calories - bybeing active, mainly in the morning after eating. They also hadmore stable blood sugar readings, especially by the end of thetrial。
The researchadded: “The belief that breakfast is ‘the most important meal ofthe day’ is so widespread that many people are surprised to learnthat there is a lack of scientific evidence showing whether or howbreakfast may directly cause changes in our health. It is certainlytrue that people who regularly eat breakfast tend to be slimmer andhealthier but these individuals also typically follow mostother recommendations fora healthy lifestyle, so have more balanced diets and take morephysical exercise. ”
In anotherstudy published this month, researchers at the University ofAlabama at Birmingham divided vounteers into three groups. Oneskipped breakfast, others always ate it and a third continued withtheir current regime. Four months later, no-one in any group hadlost much weight。