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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/07 19:27  新浪教育

Institute’s Name

LaSalle College International



Institute’s Name(Chinese)





  2000 Sainte Catherine Street West

Postal Code

H3H 2T2

Contact person 

  Jannie Tsang


Coordinator,China Development and Recruitment


+86-10-84626086 +86-10-84628089





Year of Establishment: 1958

Academic level: (University, College, High School, Language School, Vocational institution…etc): College

Major area of professions/programs : Computer Science, Tourism, Hotel and Management, Foodservice and Restaurant Management, Fashion Design, Apparel Production Management, Fashion Marketing, Business Management, Accounting and Management, Transportation Logistics, Interior Design, Digital Imagery, Computer Graphics,Esthetics

Current accreditation status in the local educational authority:

[Source of Information]:

Currently approved to issue academic degrees?

[Approved by]:

Number of on board students:


The ratio of Faculty Staff to students:


Ratio of international students to Chinese students:

15% for international student and less than 10% for Chinese students.

Institution Description

The LaSalle College International Canadian experience is geared towards providing foreign students with a welcoming atmosphere that encourages learning.  We pledge to teach you the relevant job and language skills while laying a solid foundation for an appreciation of the English language and culture.  When you attend one of our Canadian colleges, you also benefit from our real-world background and contacts in the field of your choice.  Profit from our state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge expertise, certainly, but also take the opportunity to learn to function in the language of international business.  

Our Canadian schools have more than 4500 students representing over 50 countries providing us with the experience that is second to none.   Our unparalleled experience in the field has allowed us to develop the tools to make you feel at home and to help you function comfortably in your new environment.  Even before one of our college representatives welcomes you at the airport, we are helping you to acclimatize to your new environment and learn the language skills that will help catapult you onto the international stage.

Our two campuses in Canada are situated in one of Canada's major cities: Montreal and Vancouver.  So whether you're drawn to the European atmosphere of Montreal or the relaxed atmosphere of North America’s gateway to the Pacific – Vancouver, we can guarantee that you'll be enriched by a universally high standard that’s specifically tailored to your personal and professional objectives.

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