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第6天 2005年考研英语如何翻译并列句(9)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/09/15 13:51  中国石化出版社




  Exactly where we will stand in the long war against disease by the year2050is impossible to say.(61)But if developments in research maintain their current pace,it seems likely that a combination of improved attention to dietary and environmental factors,along with advances in gene therapy and protein targeted drugs,will have virtually eliminated most major classes of disease.

  From an economic standpoint,the best news may be that these accomplishments could be accompanied by a drop in health_care costs.(62)Costs may even fall as diseases are brought under control using pinpointed,short term therapies now being developed.By2050there will be fewer hospitals,and surgical procedures will be largely restricted to the treatment of accidents and other forms of trauma(外伤).Spending on nonacute(慢性病的)care,both in nursing facilities and in homes,will also fall sharply as more elderly people lead healthy lives until close to death.

  One result of medicine’s success in controlling disease will be a dramatic increase in life expectancy.(63)The extent of that increase is a highly speculative matter,but it is worth noting that medical science has already helped to make the very old(currently defined as those over85years of age)the fastest growing segment of the population.Between1960.and1995,the U.S.population as a whole in creased by about45%,while the segment over85years of age grew by almost300%.(64)There has been a similar explosion in the population of centenarians,with the result that survival to the age of100is no longer the newsworthy feat that it was only a few decades ago.U.S.Census Bureau projections already forecast dramatic increase in the number of centenarians in the next50years:4million in2050,compared with37,000 in1990.

  (65)Although Census Bureau calculations project an increase in average life span of only eight years by the year2050,some experts believe that the human life span should not begin to encounter any theoretical natural limits before120years.With continuing advances in molecular medicine and a growing understanding of the aging process,that limit could rise to130years or more.


  文章大意: 本文对到2050年人类与疾病做斗争的情况进行了预测,认为,如果医学研究的发展保持目前的速度,大部分主要类别的疾病将得到消灭;医疗开支可能下降;由于医学的进步有效地控制了疾病,会大大增加预期寿命,尤其是百岁以上老人的人口会激增。

  (61) 结构分析: 句子框架是if…,it seems likely that…。if引导条件状语从句修饰主句it seems likely that…。it为形式主语,that引导的从句为真正的主语。pace意为“(生长、进展等的)速度”;combination with意为“与…结合或联合”;gene therapy意为“基因疗法”。

  参考译文: 但是,如果医学研究的发展保持目前的速度,更加注意膳食与环境因素的结合,再加上基因疗法和针对蛋白质的药物所取得的进展,实际上将有可能消灭大部分主要类别的疾病。

  (62) 结构分析: 句子框架是Costs may even fall as…。as引导状语从句,被动结构be brought under control意为“使…得到控制”,译成主动态。现在分词短语using…在句子中作原因状语;现在分词短语being developed作后置定语,修饰therapies。pinpointed意为“定位准确的”。

  参考译文: 由于采用目前开发的定位准确的短期疗法而使疾病得到控制,医疗开支甚至可能下降。

  (63) 结构分析: 句子框架是The extent…is a highly speculative matter,but it is worth noting that…。but连接两个并列句。but后的并列分句中it为形式主语,that引导的从句为真正的主语。speculative意为“思索的;推测的”。

  参考译文: 人们预期寿命的增加范围是一个非常具有推测性的问题,但值得注意的是,医学科学已经帮助使年龄非常大的人(目前规定为超过85岁的人)成为人口增长最快的部分。

  (64) 结构分析: 句子框架是There has been a similar explosion…。in the population of centenarians和with the result并列作主句的状语。that引导的从句作result的同位语,此同位语从句中又套嵌一个that引导的定语从句修饰feat。explosion此处不应译成“爆炸”,而译成“激增”;centenarian此处意为“百岁(或百岁以上的)老人”;newsworthy意为“有新闻价值的,值得报道的”。

  参考译文: 百岁老人的数量也同样地激增了,结果是人活到100岁已不再是具有新闻价值的业绩,而这一点仅仅在几十年前还是具有新闻价值的业绩。

  (65) 结构分析: 句子框架是Although…,some experts believe that…。although引导方式状语从句。主句中that引导的从句作believe的宾语从句。project此处译为“推断,预计”。

  参考译文: 虽然人口统计局预测到2050年之前人的平均预期寿命只增加8岁,但是一些专家认为,人们预期寿命可以达到120岁不会受到任何理论上的自然限制。



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