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Clear & Concise

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/23 11:12  新浪教育

  Clear & Concise

  首先,7C原则中已经说到,表达要clear & concise。这个原则实在是太重要了,让我们再来看看clear and concise是怎么说的:我们中国人习惯“欲抱琵琶半遮面”,而美国人则喜欢“开门见山”,正是这种交流方式上的区别使得签证官和申请者直接的语言习惯产生了差异,为交流增加了障碍。当有些申请者从历史,地理,国家社会经济发展大环境
谈起,做无数重铺垫时,签证官在心里说:please be to the point!这个原则总被某些签证申请者忽略,总以为说的越多就越有理,越绕就越能标新立异,完全不顾听者的感受,这实在是个很大的误区。看看下面的例子,用大腿想都知道VO该让谁过让谁留了。

  You know, China now is developing itself very quickly. The government invests a lot of money on the science and technology. There will be a considerable number of opportunities in China in the following years. Specifically, China needs the experts in *** field, so I will definitely come back.

  I will come back and be a research scientist in *** research institute working on the key technology of ***, which is profitable in the coming years in China. Blabla



  This university stands on the leading position in my proposed research field. / It provides small-sized class education, which is difficult to find at home. / My proposed advisor digs deep in the research of ***, which helps him to become an IEEE fellow.

  要做到clear & Concise,首先,我们不得不提出,优秀的口语对话能力重要的前提,而为此,申请者必须加强口语练习,很多人有思路,有逻辑,有想法,但就是张嘴speechless,说清楚一个事情必须费很多口舌,这样就明显无法做到Concise了,要是发音再不好,就连Clear都做不到了。其次,在签证现场,环境是比较嘈杂的,所以一定要大胆的说,大声的说,发音吐字尽量清楚,口语不太好的同学不要说太快,以保证Clear,让签证官听懂。最后,一定要时刻记住自己的原则,自己最重要的话,用简单的语言,尽可能早地表述出来。说话要有逻辑,要有中心,平时和别人对练时就应当注意好这一些问题。

  Summary-Elaboration-Conclusion (SEC)

  签证面试的另一个原则就是讲话的structure要遵从SEC结构。签证interview的一个非常显著的特点就是VO可能随时打断你,或者因为他对你说的不感兴趣,或者因为他没有耐心听下去,或者,他就是要让你紧张让你无所适从。所以,你要是本来准备了一番让天上嫦娥也心动的说辞,却因为被VO打断而不得不胎死腹中,那岂不是比窦娥还冤?所以,你在准备说辞的时候就要做好只说一半的打算!这样怎么说呢?其实有一个最好的师傅,那就是科研论文。F1-er们很多都写过论文吧,没写过,看也看过吧,IEEE的,applied physics的,没啃过些paper哪的拿到这么好学校嘛!把这些论文的结构现搬到我们的说辞里来就是perfect了!


  I soberly know US has the very technology I need for my career in China, that is, electronic packaging. I did a careful survey about electronic packaging research labs in US Universities. All the 6 universities have research on this specified field.


  California Institute of technology has the largest power electronics research center, but unfortunately, I was not selected during application(坦诚) 。UCLA is my second choice because its numerical analysis in electronic packaging is really famous and it’s just the essential technology we haven’t mastered in China. Besides, UCLA is among the top universities in the US and has a really good reputation all over the world, so I trust its education qualities.


  My current supervisor recommended it to me and said it would help me with my future career in China.


  I soberly know US has the very technology I need for my career in China, that is, electronic packaging. I did a careful survey about electronic packaging research labs in US Universities. All the 6 universities have research on this specified field. California Institute of technology has the largest power electronics research center, but unfortunately, I was not selected during application. UCLA is my second choice because its numerical analysis in electronic packaging is really famous and it’s just the essential technology we haven’t mastered in China. Besides, UCLA is among the top universities in the US and has a really good reputation all over the world, so I trust its education qualities. My current supervisor recommended it to me and said it would help me with my future career in China.


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