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What's his purpose to go USA?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/23 11:12  新浪教育

  What's his purpose to go USA?


  –how many universities did you apply?

  –why you choose this university?

  –How did you know this university?

  –Did you apply for any Chinese universities? Why not?

  –Any universities outside the US?

  –How if you didn't get offer from the US?

  如果VO听到你申了25所美国大学,oh my god,想象一下他会有什么反应吧。你砸下这么多银子这么多精力处心积虑想要去美国大学,你还说你没有移民倾向?不然就肯定是你实在太不优秀了,所以你对自己也没有信心,只能靠多申学校撞大运。

  Carnegie Mellon University is one of the best universities in the United States. The Heinz school ranks first in the area of Public Policy and Management, which includes Supply Chain Management as one of its branchs. Carnegie Mellon's good education catchs my eyes and even my current advisor in *** said it would be a better chance for me to study there than at home. That's why I finally decided to leave my family and country temporary, and study abroad.

  For example, Maryland is also a wonderful university and it does have a research lab on electronic packaging. However, the research is much more focuses on low power electronic packaging and its application in integrated circuit. The research on high power electronic packaging in *** is attractive to me. That's why I choose ****.

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