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Will he come back?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/23 11:12  新浪教育

  Will he come back?


  –what's your plan after graduation?

  –what will you do with your degree?

  –What kind of position you will take?

  –What's your salary then?

  –Will you be a professor for a life long time?

  –what specified field will you work on?

  看清了VO的这些伎俩,你就一脸真诚地往你精心准备的回国计划上靠吧。问What will you do with your degree是不,好啊,就从拿到Ph.D.开始说你在中国的美好前途吧。问你的salary是不?不要告诉我你的回国计划里没有一个decent income的因素!

  For a real researcher, salary is only one aspect of the whole money he makes. As far as I know, the average salary of a researcher is about 5000-6000 per month in Beijing, and in Shanghai, maybe a little bit higher. But usually researchers can make big money from every project they take and the cooperative research programs with large companies. They can get 5-10 percent from the research funds. For example, Dr. ** came back from University of ** in 1997 and became a researcher in Tsinghua. Two years later, he bought a car with ** thousand RMB. So in China, experts of technology are among the first class regarding their social and economic status.

  I want to initiate a computer game company in China. Have you played the famous computer game - FIFA2002? (showing a photo to VO) It is a soccer game, and you can control your team to play against the opponent at real time. But now the intelligent level of computer-controlled teams is very poor. The concept of multi-agent systems will bring up revolutions in such team-based game. After 5 years of tracking and exploring the front of multi-agent systems, I am confident to found such a leading company in China and then try to create a new era of team-based computer game.

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