
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月09日 13:39   无忧雅思网

  “见官死”开头之六:过分简单 没有重点(喷血指数:☆☆)

  典型失败案例:Topic-The importance of environmental protection

  This issue is surely very important, let’s talk about it!

  “见官死”开头之七:用词不当 表达不准 (喷血指数:☆☆)

  典型失败案例:Topic-Should college students be allowed to get married?

  I think college students should not be allowed to get married because they are very young and so we can’t take the responsibility to form a family.

  “见官死”开头之八:意思重复 原地踏步(喷血指数:☆☆☆)

  典型失败案例:Topic-Your opinion on DINK families

  My opinion on DINK families is that DINK families is not a good thing. And it is a bad thing. It brings no benefits to our society and it is even sometimes harmful to our society.

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