

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月05日 10:17   沪江英语


  Object: 物品题以前考的很多的是电脑,手机,动物等,现在考的最多应该是电器(除电脑外的),无论是哪个题,都必须与人联系在一起,你与这个特别有什么样的关系,发生什么事,例如,刚考完的考题,描述一只动物,很多同学讲狗和猫,讲它们的功能,这样是可以的,但我在全国所见过所有的考官,对于这个话题,除了这个动物的外表和能做什么外,他们更想知道的是你与这个动物有什么经历,发生过什么事,如果是感人的故事会更能打动考官,而我教过所有取得7分甚至8分的学生,必须学会用情去感化考官。

  An electrical appliance (最重点考题)

  T: I can not live without the useful equipments I am having, one of which I am in favor of is my little beauty, AIGO, a mp4 player.

  S: let alone to say the magnificent appearancewith white color and tiny shape , it’s usage that enriches my life. Well ,like other MP4s, it’s capacity is big enough to hold thousands of songs and hundreds of movies altogerther. What is more important , an it can broadcast the radio and TV program alive, which are mainly about , the up to date news , fashion , sports and education, keeping me informed all the time.

  E: wherever I go , on the street , subway or the bus, I will never let the time wasted and bring her with me , by whom I can enjoy my favorite games,like basketball in the Olympics and listen to English program and watch movies to relax myself.

  I love this newly-created electronicapplication, not only because it can accompany me, but also it can enrich my life.

  Part three:

  What kinds of electrical appliances are most used in daily life?

  Do you think we can now live without electrical appliances? What's your opinion of this? Is that a good situation?

  Do you think science and technology will one day completely eliminatetraditional technology and equipment?

  Do you think people rely too much on machines nowadays?

  What are the advantages that we get from using modern home and office equipment?

  What do you think is the most useful thing that man has ever invented?

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