

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月05日 10:17   沪江英语




  T: I have been so fortunate that I have watch many Hollywood Blockbusters in my life and one that fascinates me most I think must be the Forrest Gump.

  S: The great success contributed to this film , I think , it love, hope ,compassion and responsibility that manifested. Tom hanks plays a role of lower IQ man and be bullied by his peers and segregated from society.

  However, no matter how hopelessand helpless, how many times he was laughed at and bullied by his friends, he never stop trying to perfect himself and pursues his dream.

  Forrest Gump set up a very good example for all of us to learn from, especially for his love for the one he loves, the dream he is longing for , and the responsibility for the country and compassion for the poor. Also, his mother’s word “life is like a box of chocolate, you will never know what you are going to get” still linger in my mind for it really gives me the inspiration to appreciate life instead of complaining it.

  I love this film , and always share the enjoyment with my friends while watching it.

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