

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月05日 10:17   沪江英语

  An interesting animal

  What animals are most common where you live (or, in your country)?

  Compare the usage of animals nowadays and in the past?

  Do you think there are more problems of feeding on animals in rural area than in the urban?

  What are the main obstableof raising animals in city?

  Do people in China still use animals for work?

  Do people today treat animals the same as they used to do, several decades ago?

  Do you think it's suitable to keep pets in the city or is it more suitable to have a pet only if you live in the countryside?

  A gift you gave to another person(这个礼物就是上面的动物)

  On what occasions do people give gifts to others?

  When do children receivepresents in China?

  What kinds of gifts do children in China usually get?

  Do you think toys have any educational value?

  A photo ( 与动物一起拍)

  Why do people take photos?

  What is the function of the photo in newspaper?

  What is the effect of photo on our life in the future?

  How has modern science and technology changed photography?

  Do many Chinese people visit photograph exhibitions?

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