
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月16日 13:52   英语教师网


  [误] My mother was in the hospital for two weeks.

  [正] My mother was in hospital for two weeks.

  [析] in hospital为"住院就医"。而in (at) the hospital 为"在医院(工作)"。如:He is a doctor in (at) the hospital.类似的用法还有很多,如:"上学"为go to school,at school为"在校就读",go to bed为"上床睡觉"。

  how 

  [误] I want to know how to do.

  [正] I want to know how to do it.

  [析] how 是关联副词,要注意与关联代词的不同用法。如:I want to know what to do.

  [误] How do you think about it?

  [正] What do you think about it?

  [析] 英文中表达你对某事的看法如何应用What do you think about…这一句式。

  hurry 

  [误] Let's hurry. There is a little time left.

  [正] Let's hurry. There is little time left.

  [误] Don't worry. There is little time left.

  [正] Don't worry. There is a little time left.

  [析] 请注意英语中的惯用法:"快点吧,没时间了",或"别着急还有一点时间。"

  [误] The car is hurrying through the street.

  [正] The car is rushing throught the street.

  [析] hurry一词只用于人而不用于物体。


  [误] There are two hundreds people here.

  [正] There are two hundred people here.

  [误] There are hundred of people here.

  [正] There are hundreds of people here.

  [析] hundred一词前如有数字时不论多少其后都不加s,这和thousand(千)等数量词的用法一样,而hundreds of是数百的,这一词组一定要加s.

  hurt 

  [误] I don't want to wound her feelings.

  [正] I don't want to hurt her feelings.

  [析] wound是指战场上的刀枪伤(名词),或用刀枪"伤害"、"打伤"(动词)。

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